How to grow wild strawberries.
By Edowning
United Kingdom
Hi, I really am an amateur gardener and this may be a really silly question! My boyfriend has a rented house with a really scratty piece of garden in the back, its mostly just weeds but recently theres been a few strawberry plants growing and I was wondering if I were to dig them up and plant them in my new garden-maybe in a few pots- would they grow, or should I just leave it? Thank you!
24 Jun, 2009
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If they throw out any runners then stick them in a pot with some soil , pin the runner into the pot , then come septemberish cut the imbilical from the runner and you will have brand new plants for your garden , if you aint sure what I mean find the runners come back on and I will take you through it step by step
24 Jun, 2009
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They would transplant, certainly, if you took the roots out carefully. You may not get great strawberries though - they could be the wild variety, you won't know until they're fruiting.
24 Jun, 2009