why is my pot grown broccoli growing bright red leaves
By Broccoli
United Kingdom
the broccoli plants seem to be going well but now the leaves are turning bright red. They are calabrese not purple sprouting.
29 Jun, 2009
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Thank you Seaburngirl.
Feed them with? tomato feed? Is it Ok to keep them in pots because what little soil i have is rubbish, just clay and stones?
30 Jun, 2009
well that is part of the problem, so plenty of water and probably tomorite or miracle grow type feed will be fine. I grow cabbages in big pots [5lt plus] and whilst not as good as them being in the ground they are ok.
30 Jun, 2009
Many thanks,
30 Jun, 2009
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is it just the lower leaves? if yes it is because they have reached the end of their useful life. remove them and give them a light feed.
29 Jun, 2009