Blueberry Plant
By Livesey852
United Kingdom
Plant still has berries on. Not rippened yet. When can I move Plant to different location to give it more room and can you take cuttings, if so just where from.
21 Jul, 2009
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I take it that this plant in in the ground rather than a pot Livesey? Probably the best time to move it as with most shrubs is in the autumn. Being an ericaceous plant, the rootball will consist mostly of very fine dense roots that don't explore much out of the main rootball so moving it should be quite easy. Make sure you prepare the new site with plenty of ericaceous compost worked into the soil. It doesn't like dry sites either, but free drained moisture retentive soils.
These plants can be struck from softwood cuttings ideally in early/mid summer. Take none flowering tips from medium to strong new shoot about 6ins in length and remove the lower leaves. Place around the edge of a small pot in a 50/50 sharp grit and peat mix, moistened, and cover with poly bag. Place in good light but out of the sun outside and keep checking they haven't dried out a couple of times a week. They should root after 4-5 weeks.
If you just want another plant or two, I would select a long side shoot that inclines out or downwards and layer it.
23 Jul, 2009