Can I do anything to guard against blight? :0(
By Fluff
United Kingdom
Just seen poor DawnsAunt's plight with there anything to be done to guard against the dreaded lurgy?
28 Jul, 2009
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tomato blight
Even inside a greenhouse you are far from immune and I use Jeys Fluid or Armillatox to wash out the greenhouses in the spring and indeed put a tiny amount of the Armillatox in the rain barrels I use for watering the plants.
It seems to help but I am sure it is far from foolproof. ...but it works for me!! These wet conditions recently will have made things worse and I have stopped watering in the evenings before closing the tomato least that helps keep the botrytis at bay too!! Mind you - in mild nights - it is perhaps better to leave the doors open for ventilation. I guess we all have our own wee ways and maybe somebody else will have a better answer!!
28 Jul, 2009
I try and keep my greenhouse well ventilated but I do close the door at night but keep the windows open - I think I need one of those louvre window things at the back so I get a through draught. Do you guys think if the summer had been hot it maybe wouldnt happen.
29 Jul, 2009
Its a combination Dawn, warm, damp and muggy weather is the ideal breeding ground for the spores. Next year I to will have a greenhouse and, because I have one!, I'm going to use a solar powered 12" fan to make sure of the ventilation. Spreading the plants out a bit further and once the first trusses have set, taking off the leaves upto the bottom truss will also help. :-))
29 Jul, 2009
I went out today and one of my outdoor varieties has started getting it on its stem - so pulled it out right away (pity as it was covered in little toms but they were started to turn) as said before its damp warm weather - I live in the south of england and although its been wet its still warm.
29 Jul, 2009
Scuffy, I would keep an eye on the rest of your plants, checking every couple of hours as mine turned in about 6 hours and I lost the whole lot :-((
29 Jul, 2009
Hi Ian, thanks for the info. I think your fan idea is a good one. I have a grape vine growing along the top of the greenhouse so probably this doesnt help either.
29 Jul, 2009
Thanks everyone for all your advice...the weather's so depressing today I've just sat down after getting in from work etc & haven't got the ooomph to venture out to the greenhouse. It's been so wet today I don't think the toms will need watering.
29 Jul, 2009
No they probably wont but... if they have blight you really do need to get rid of in your version of a wheely bin!
29 Jul, 2009
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Honest answer... not a lot so far as I know. If you are talking tomatoes in a greenhouse keep well ventilated. Blight is more likely to hit in warm, wet, muggy weather. Thankfully up here when it is wet it tends to also be cold!
28 Jul, 2009