purple sprouting brocolli
By Marian314
United Kingdom
could anyone please tell me why my purple sprouting brocolli is not making any heads? all mine are doing are growing into huge big plants. i have warned them if they don't shape up i am just going to cook the greens!! lol
30 Jul, 2009
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And you can cook the green parts of broccoli just as you would any other brassica. Our purple sprouting isn't doing too well either... I'm blaming it on the weather as the other brassicas are fine
30 Jul, 2009
Last time that happened to mine - and the plants were looking TOO healthy with no obvious "heads"...I nipped out the tops - quite savagely (made me feel better too and they were tasty as well!) and the plants promptly went mad and sprouted like crazy from every leaf axil...couldn't keep up with the crop and had to freeze some!
Worth a try?
30 Jul, 2009
I would say so... definitely!
30 Jul, 2009
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My broccoli took some time then all at once they all sprouted heads.TIP: I cut off pantyhose and put on the developing broccoli heads to keep away the cabbage moths ..it works!I just have to keep plucking the heads before they flower...can't keep up.
30 Jul, 2009