By Bulbaholic
I have just been out to check the vegetables and found the broccoli to be smothered with a small weevil. In appearance it is like a pin-head sized vine weevil (whick is why I am calling it a weevil) and is grey in colour. Its case is hardish but not as hard as that of a vine weevil. It seems to be responsible for making small holes in the centre of the leaves etc. The broccoli was heavily infested but I was also finding individual on other brassicas. They can fly and one or two landed on me.
At the moment I am trying spraying with soapy water. Does anyone know what they are and how to control them. I can find no reference to these bugs in any of the books we have.
6 Aug, 2009
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Turnip Gall weevil lay their eggs on turnip, swede, and leafy brassicas cabbage, cauliflower, brussels and broccoli.
It mentions the grubs causing a swelling that enclose the grub. This can be confused with club root. Cut the swellings in half to find a grub inside.
It dosent mention the adult but if they are in the area. Apart from this I cant find anything to help.
6 Aug, 2009
Having just done a thorough websearch think that flea beetles are the problem http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/fleabeetle.html It is definitely not the turnip gall, thank god!
6 Aug, 2009
You could try looking up the flea beetle,there are many different ones.They are really tiny so I thought they sounded like the ones you have,there are some which like brassicas.
6 Aug, 2009
Snap !! lol
6 Aug, 2009
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And they have made a royal mess of the broccoli...
6 Aug, 2009