Does anyone know the name of this plant?
By Cherylrp
United Kingdom
I bought it last year but for the life of me I cannot remember what it is called. The plant is very woody, it looses it leaves in winter. The flower closes slightly in the evening and opens fully again in the day. Photos attached. It is about 2ft tall. The flower reminds me of the Lavatera. Any suggestions.
On plant

8 Aug, 2009
Common name Tree Hollyhock. Beautiful. lol
8 Aug, 2009
Thank you Cammomile as soon as I saw your answer I knew you were right. Now I can tell everyone else that has been pundering over it at home its rightful name.
8 Aug, 2009
~it is a pretty one!
8 Aug, 2009
This is the same as mine Hibiscus shrubby mallow. Needs patience, deciduous, flowers july to september.
Lovely late flowerer but fussy - full sun. protect from cold winds and must be free draining soil.
9 Aug, 2009
Can't work out if it's possible to put a photo into an answer but have posted a picture of my rather unusual creamy-white one here:
(I guess there's a better way of doing this than a non-clickable link? Sorry....)
9 Aug, 2009
8 Aug, 2009