My butternut squash have only got fruits as yet. Is it too late?
By Antigone
United Kingdom
Planted in May then I abandoned them for a month while I was away... soil has been enriched, I've been giving them comfrey tea and they certainly look ok except for yellowing leaves. But surely too late for fruits to set and mature now?
10 Aug, 2009
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No! It's not too late.
Our Japs are supposed to be harvested in autumn, but June came and they were still flowering (that's winter here in Australia). Eventually we had to pick them, ripe or not, coz the blipp-blipping rats have been eating them!!! Grrr.
11 Aug, 2009
Here I only still have flowers with the exception of two fruits that started but dropped off even though the plant is still growing so I guess what I gonna do is wait. Cant plant much more now if I dig it up anyhow!
11 Aug, 2009
These start late, mine have only just got baby fruit on them. Keep feeding and water if we get dry weather. Don't harvest until they are really ready or they won't keep. Usually this is when the foliage is just beginning to die off in autumn.They should keep until Christmas, but mine get eaten quicker...steam them in cubes and then saute with shallots...delicious!
10 Aug, 2009