The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

essex, United Kingdom

Hi there, have bought penstemon as plug plants around 4-5 weeks ago (Mail order) have planted into 3inch pots and put in unheated greenhouse!! how do i keep over winter ?? or should they be planted out in position now??

any help would be appreciated



Being so small I wouldn't plant them outdoors till spring!

I would say; provided they are kept frost free as they are, they should be OK

21 Oct, 2012


I have rooted cuttings from my own penstemons,
they are in the cold frame now, and will be quite happy there until spring.

21 Oct, 2012


I have a cutting of a penstemon in my cold frame too: do you close the lid, Lizziebee, or only when frost is threatened?

21 Oct, 2012


my cuttings are also in the cold frame for winter. many penstemons are not that hardy. The influx of new cultivars are gorgeous but many dont survive below -10.

21 Oct, 2012


Yes Sheila I shall close the lid, when I am able to replace half of the glass that was broken when the wind flipped it up during one of the many storms. Do not have a local supplier of glass anymore.
Mine are old very hardy varieties.

21 Oct, 2012


Thanks everyone, and good luck Lyn!

22 Oct, 2012


Pot them into larger pots if the roots have reached the sides of the pots. Keep them on the dry side and water sparingly on mild sunny days as needed.

22 Oct, 2012


thanks everyone for comments, will leave as they are and look forward to the spring!!!!!

23 Oct, 2012

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