By Gattina
I have a lovely Euphorbia "Silver Swan" which has been doing really well up until now, but I believe it is only partially hardy in very cold areas. Has anyone got any good ideas for nursing it through what could be another fiercely cold mountain winter, preferably without digging it out and potting it up for the greenhouse? Would a large semi-transparent polythene storage box (from Ikea) upturned over it make any difference, or would it just add to the problems with the condensation generated?
28 Oct, 2012
I'm joining in here Gattina as I have this but was under the impression it was hardy enough.
They don't like the wet, I know that much. I think the upturned storage box might make conditions too moist!
Another Euphorbia I have suffered very bad rust this year - I put it down to the wet weather!!
As per sheilabub - I use upturned hanging baskets filled with straw to protect the crowns/roots of some herbaceous perennials which have died back. they would be too low in height to be of use with the euphorbia.
Could you possibly build some sort of frame, fill with straw and keep in place with some netting?
As I am writing this, I'm thinking if I have to go out and buy more straw and anything else (I've none left) - I'd be as well going out to buy a new plant come spring time :))
28 Oct, 2012
Hi Gattina, What a lovely plant, I used to have one a few years ago...definitely suits your hot summers.
In the winter I used cut off any remaining flowers then I'd mulch mine with either bark or leaf mould (it can get pretty cold up on the tops of the Pennines)
If a really long cold spell at night was forcast (I'm talking minus figures here you understand) I've been known to put a pair of old knickers over mine...but please don't forget to remove them in the morning..or before visitors arrive!
28 Oct, 2012
Just seen Scottish's reply..'praps you could stuff the knickers with straw...I'll go now.
28 Oct, 2012
Depend on the size of the plant and the knickers - I'm sure mine would fit :))))
28 Oct, 2012
Lol..Mine are a definate! :0
28 Oct, 2012
Thongs wouldn't hold much straw would they ?
28 Oct, 2012
Driad - Gattina is in Italy - were you thinking of a Thong For Europe? (sorry!!)
28 Oct, 2012
Grooooaaan, Andrew! (but actually quite funny :)))
28 Oct, 2012
OK,I see the way this is going ! usual here goes..
Sing a thong of sixpence,(or euro's)
A gusset full of straw.
When the winter's over,
the snow begins its thaw,
Take the drawers off now,
The sun begins to shine,
and as your ' Swan ',wakes up again,the knickers should be fine!
( just don't wear them when we next meet up ) Lol.
You did ask for help,Gattina....:o))..Sorry..just having a senior moment..I'll be ok in a minute..
28 Oct, 2012
Verse 2.....
Gattina is in her garden now
it's getting rather chilly
just look at her Euphorbia
feeling rather silly!
28 Oct, 2012
I haven't laughed out so loudly when alone in a room for months (if not years) now. You are a bunch of loveable idiots! I'm still not sure what to do. Most of my knickers are elasticised, so they'd probably put a stranglehold on any poor plant I draped them over (besides, it's just started snowing, and I need 'em), and I don't want to chop all the still healthy and abundant foliage down, or exclude light.
Bloomer, if all your senior moments are so poetic, I think you should cultivate senility!
Actually, Andrew, there's no thinging of thongs in this neck of Europe right now - we've got colds and sore throats, so it'd be "Nul Pointes" for Italy!!!
Waddy, bear in mind that for the whole of last February, we had minus zero temperatures - mostly round about -11°c, but getting down to -17° at night, and on one never-to-be-forgotten night, -22°.
Maybe hanging basket frames draped in fleece, at least overnight?
28 Oct, 2012
I just debated whether it was an ode too far,but seeing as it made you laugh,Gattina...that's ok :o) ..I didn't think you would be find it offensive..and yes,go for the hanging basket..covering your modesty in the cold weather is much more important..unless of course..your OH wouldn't miss a pair of his ! Lol.
28 Oct, 2012
OH hasn't voluntarily thrown out any item of clothing, underpants included, since I've known him, and that's been 45 years now, so I'm sure I could find something........
28 Oct, 2012
Sounds like he has a veritable treasure trove in his drawers,Gattina :o))..
28 Oct, 2012
No, I've been throwing stuff out for the past 43 years, and I don't think he suspects a thing yet. So not QUITE the treasure trove you might expect.
28 Oct, 2012
Did anybody notice that its Bloomer talking knickers? Maybe bloomers would be big enough if knickers are too small?
29 Oct, 2012
A treasure trove in his drawers???,no, I mustn't go there.. Stera, you can't blame Bloomer, I'm the one who started this cheeky chat, but Bloomer has taken it to new heights..or should that be lows? Gattina, I too burst out laughing,'s all in good fun lol.
29 Oct, 2012
I think you missed the meaning of 'treasure trove in his drawers' Jan..come on girl,keep up !Lol...and Stera ...big enough ! :o) as for you dear Waddy,you were on the same wavelength of me..must be the 'yorkie' in us haha..and yes,you started it..just joined in to see where it took the bottom,by the sound of it ..can't get much lower than that :o) xxxxx
29 Oct, 2012
No, Dear Bloomer, I DIDN'T miss the meaning, I just felt it inappropriate for another woman to be discussing it. So there. (How best to "write" a raspberry?)
29 Oct, 2012
What a shame,Gattina..I love rasberries..:o) x
30 Oct, 2012
Easily distracted from the initial idea of preserving the poor euphorbia from winter distruction , aren't we ?
(Thank goodness , nothing like a bit of good distraction .)
30 Oct, 2012
I've just been out in the garden, speaking gently to my euphorbia and explaining that we WILL find a way of keeping her warm, when we've finished being silly ;o)
30 Oct, 2012
30 Oct, 2012
Previous question
« Why have my flower beds been taken over by long grass and what is the solution?
It just might do the trick, Gattina. Last winter I used my hanging baskets(!) stuffed with straw, and upturned over two small tender shrubs, and they survived. But hopefully you'll get a better suggestion from someone more practical :))
28 Oct, 2012