How do you care for a grape vine?
By Ian_digs_v2
United Kingdom
I have just bought a 3 ft grape vine, but still waiting for delivery.
Its a vitis brandt? What I would like to know is where should I keep it over the winter and how do I look after it generally?
26 Aug, 2009
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Lol Thanks Lily, I think its going to be in the new greenhouse/poly tunnel type thingy.
27 Aug, 2009
Ive had a grape vine planted about 3 yrs ago in the garden.and have trained it over and onto an old vine.Success , last year and this year a bumper dont need to put in a greenhouse, suvives well outside.I dont do anything with it, not even cover over winter.Must have the touch
27 Aug, 2009
Hope you ordered a machete at the same time Ian .... it'll go mad in a polytunnel
27 Aug, 2009
Oh bother! ! ! :~)))))
27 Aug, 2009
oooh Ian
this sounds like someone will be making their own wine!!
also sounds like you WILL be asking for help with keeping this one in check!!
no chopping!!
x x x
27 Aug, 2009
Lol Mookins, I promise not to attack this one. Mind you, it wasn't a tree! ! !
Home made wine? ? ? now look what you've done. :~9 (thats a smiley licking its lips! ! !)
27 Aug, 2009
"disgy wine"
sounds yummy hehe
x x x
27 Aug, 2009
I will invite you to the opening of our first bottle! ! ! Just hope it doesn't peel the paint off the walls when I open it Lol :~)))
27 Aug, 2009
x x x
27 Aug, 2009
Lol :~))
27 Aug, 2009
Hope you have enough room for it Ian. In a garden at the Southport Flower Show there were vines, and I asked the 'owner' how much room they needed. He said 'LOTS, as there are no dwarf varieties' They can be very heavily pruned though, every year. Can't wait to see pictures of it next year.
29 Aug, 2009
I am now worried as l have just planted four using the old runner bean frame, two red and two white.(Hic)
29 Aug, 2009
Mine were planted in july. l was always told to get them out late summer to alow to settle and then prune November to suit the training wires. They are about a foot apart horisontaly.
29 Aug, 2009
I asked because I want to plant one to grow up and over an arbour to a height/spread of only about 10ft. He sounded optimistic, but implied that it would be hard work as they are vigorous plants.
Ian, and Bowman, you'll have to keep us up to date with tthe progress you have with yours.
29 Aug, 2009
Well it has arrived today! ! ! You've got me scared of the thing now...... Its a bl***y trifid! ! ! ! :~)))
29 Aug, 2009
It can't be that big..........yet! lol
29 Aug, 2009
No but, yes but, no but, you see I'm scared of it now. I can't make me mind up what to do with it? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Its 3 ft tall! ! ! and I'm only 6 ft 5. :~((
29 Aug, 2009
Plant it, dear Ian, plant
29 Aug, 2009
LMAO, Silverbelle great answer, trouble is the gardens not ready for it and won't be for some time....... :~((
29 Aug, 2009
eeek Ian
whats going on?what you been doin feet up with a cuppa!!
tut tut
x x x
29 Aug, 2009
No I have not..... Actually when I say "no" ....... what I mean by that is ....... well ........... you see. ........... I,......... OK then you weedled it out of me YES :~))
29 Aug, 2009
Me too Ian and I have 6 new shrubswaiting to go in and i havent even dug holes yet
x x x
30 Aug, 2009
I've been reading up on how to, and according to RHS. no less, It takes three years to get it right and constant attention after that! ! !
The words "Oh" and "Bother" come to mind............. Lol :~))
30 Aug, 2009
Give you something to do then Ian
30 Aug, 2009
This is true Lily, its not like I have enough to keep three people in full time employment already. Lol :~))
30 Aug, 2009
Unless you're hoping for masses of grapes, I wouldn't worry about it too much Ian - most people don't worry about grapes and grow it as an ornamental vine, hacking back when they need to - hence my machete comment above;-)
30 Aug, 2009
I would like plenty of grapes, we eat them by the bucket load here on planet Digs but I'm not planing on going into business with them. Lol
30 Aug, 2009
Ah - well I'm afraid you might need to follow the "rules" then - though one of my clients has it growing up the front of their house and does get grapes when we have a decent summer, and I can tell you it is absolutely not treated as it should be! I'm always hacking it back because they're trying to grow it in a space no more than 8 x 6 feet....
30 Aug, 2009
I thought you might say something like that. Ho hum, well I best get on with it then. :~))
30 Aug, 2009
good luck
x x x x
31 Aug, 2009
Thanks all, :~)))
31 Aug, 2009
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No idea Ian but you're certaily 'branching' out! Definitely not in that shed. lol
27 Aug, 2009