apple trees
By Ricky
United Kingdom
my friends where am i going wrong about 4 years ago i purchased 15 apple trees £ 20 each last year they produced nice apples they are treated well manured twice a year water in a dry spell ( would we be so lucky) this year beautiful blooms in spring apples appeared and for the whole month of july they all feel off so there you have it i have been down threatening them with the chainsaw eversince i wouldnt mind but the neighbour bought 2 trees out of B&Q at the same time £6 each he never looks near them from one year to the next they are laden down with apples and they taste lovely where did i go wrong its over to you my friends
27 Aug, 2009
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you don't mention the variety this has a lot to do with the crop, some are biennial in nature a heavy crop one year can result in a poor one the next-- talk to your supplier?
27 Aug, 2009
That shouldnt cause fruit drop though?
27 Aug, 2009
It sounds as if your neighbours regime of total neglect has a lot going for it. Out of twenty trees you could just let a couple of them do their own thing next year? Mind, I do know how galling this can be!
27 Aug, 2009
I too would be really miffed
x x x
27 Aug, 2009
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Several reasons for fruit drop:
What stock did you buy have you planted ithem correctly? I am wondering about spacing - light and air circulation.
Sometimes if the crops too big it sheds it
Cure - remove dwarf and blemished fruit yourself during the growing season.
Late frost, irregular watering wrong/ poor nuitrition.
Cure you need to decide if any of those apply and addresss them.
Pest related fruit drop
Cure again you need to identify if this is the problem and treat with spray.
27 Aug, 2009