do i prune or pull out lupins and hollyhocks ?
By Helenmmills
south yorkshire,
United Kingdom
6 Sep, 2009
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I am not really in the know but for the last three years the hollyhocks in the garden I took over have just ben dead headed and the bad leaves taken off them in autumn. BY deadheading I mean I just tcut the flower stalk right off. This worls for me as they have re-flower but knowing me its probably more luck than judgement.
6 Sep, 2009
Sorry, i also meant to say that lupins will come back year after year - so dont pull them out unless you dont want them anymore.
6 Sep, 2009
But remember lupins are short-lived replaced every few years. Hollyhocks are perennials but treated as biennials....they tend to get an unsightly rust...again...replace every few years....
6 Sep, 2009
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I dont know about hollyhocks, but I just cut lupins right back when they look tatty. Mine are still flowering, so wont be for a while yet.
6 Sep, 2009