Why doesn't my hardy fuchsia bush have many flowers?
By Gee19
United Kingdom
The plant has tiny little pale pink flowers (or it should). This year is has only a couple of flowers, as has the cutting I took. Both shrubs are about 4' high and have lots of foliage.
8 Sep, 2009
Ditto that last remark, Wagger! I concur - dryness at the roots may very well be the cause.
8 Sep, 2009
Thank you both. I did wonder if this was the problem as we have had so little rain here this summer.
8 Sep, 2009
mine haven't done too well this year either, the plants are fine, just not the amount of flowers I normally get, and we've been really wet down here
9 Sep, 2009
Two of mine have been poor this year, Gee. I think they have been dry at the roots. I also find they perform better if I cut them back really hard every few years - it rejuvenates them. I wish I could do it to me, lol.
8 Sep, 2009