What creature/s ate my delphiniums ?
By Nightingale
United Kingdom
My delphiniums were all farmed back to a bare stalk within a few days this year. I do not know whether this was due to slugs/snails or insects. I have a puppy who uses the garden a lot so I couldn't put down the usual blue pellets, but I did use 'slug pubs' with some success and I surrounded the plants with sharp sand. There is a well established ant colony nearby and there were lots of flying ants in early summer...again, because of the puppy I couldn't put ant powder down so I used the yeast/bicarb/cream of tartar method to destroy them.
13 Sep, 2009
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Slugs and snails or even caterpillars would have done the damage. Ants don't eat plants so are not a problem.
13 Sep, 2009
I cut up an old lemonade bottle to make a collar to protect the young delphinums. Once they get established the slugs seem to lose interest. Worked for me, anyhow :0)
13 Sep, 2009
Re your slug problem, I too have tried all slug traps, beer traps, copper etc. but then I discovered the Slug Bell and it's brilliant. It uses conventional or organic slug pellets and the beauty is they last up to 12 weeks guarding your veg or in my case growbags 24/7 365 days. You can water the garden as per normal as the pellets are not watered down by rain, mist or frost. They are brilliant as no pets can be harmed and when they have neutralised the area in question you can simply move it to another location.
You can get the Slug Bell from Rainbow Garden Products tel: 01932 221501. they are made of metal which last years and come in a flower design to blend in with the garden, they cost £7.99 each.
The website I have been told is due to launch at the beginning of October. Give them a go, it is the best investment I ever made " and I love my garden"
16 Sep, 2009
do they work on snails?
10 Sep, 2011
Any upturned pot with no holes in the bottom (which has become the top) will work there is no need to go and buy something just to catch slugs.
10 Sep, 2011
Previous question
« The flower heads are being eaten before they even have a chance to open.
If this happened early in the year, before they'd grown much, it'll be slugs/snails - they love them and will crop them down to the ground as they emerge, given the chance.
13 Sep, 2009