vine weevil
By Valadel
United Kingdom
Upon emptying my summer pots and baskets I have found yet again the grubs of "the evil weevil", needless to say they had a good old munch on the roots .
I had drenched the compost with provado at the beginning of the season, but my question is " Is there any other preventative measure"
19 Sep, 2009
The use of Provado seems to be the only chemical control. I believe that you can get nematodes to mix with the compost but have not used them myself.
19 Sep, 2009
I have tried the nematodes - but unfortunately - the temperature has a bearing on how well they will "work" so to speak and of course one has to be SO careful that no insecticides are around -which would kill them off etc. I was not successful with them - and they are very expensive.
The Provado that I have used so far was much better and is it only lasts for up to two months - so as far as I know - and I may be wrong - it can be repeated. I certainly drench all pots of plants etc before winter . so that hopefully there are no "breakfast in bed" guests lurking in them!!
One other tip I was given many years ago by a very well known fuchsia nursery use a little Armillatox in the watering cans once a week.....a definite turn-off for vine weevil apparently. I have done this ever since and it has certainly stopped them in my greenhouse. I haven't employed it in the garden - too big a task for me as I have dozens of pots and need a hosepipe to do the watering there!! If you go to
you will find that this product is now actually recognised as a vine weevil egg killer in composts etc and the instructions on fortnightly use are there. Good luck....these VW are dreadful pests - the only good thing that can be said is - that when you tip out a potful as you did - place the offending grubs on the bird-table - the robins and blackbirds will love you for it!
19 Sep, 2009
This happened a couple of years ago when they ate my begonia corms. I was then told that it's the peat based compost they thrive in and that the only way to deter them was to use a non peat based one - which I have used ever since. This not only cures the problem but saves the peat bogs - something which I am sure you all wish to do.
19 Sep, 2009
I agree in principal about using peat free but sadly it sure didn't deter the VW in my I wish it did...they even thrive in John Innes and of course out in the garden itself where the polyanthus succumb annually if not treated !! I used garden soil for pots /troughs of bulbs and added winter bedding plants (home grown ) and lost the lot when the VW came to life a few months later....grrrr!! Now I just try to remember to drench the containers with vulnerable plants when I plant them up!!
19 Sep, 2009
Thank you for the tip about armillatox, Alzheimer, I will look out for it. Vine weevil are just an occaisional problem for us but cause great damage when they do attack. I understand that they prefer peaty composts to loam based ones but we only use loam and they still come visiting.
19 Sep, 2009
The adult weevil is around between spring and autumn,so if you can get at them before winter it would help greatly.
Either go out in the evenings and catch them having dinner ! or there is a provado aerosol (imidacloprid) for spraying leaves after dusk.Either would get the adults,there is a granular one for putting into compost for the grubs.
19 Sep, 2009
Thank you all for your comments especially about the armillatox I was thinking about nematodes but shall now give that a miss .
Must say Alzheimer I did as you said and laid out the offending compost on a plastic sheet on the path of my open plan garden" free grub (get it ) !! for all the birdies" .
That really got the neighbours talking !!!
I'm known as the "mad cat woman"round here , so no change there then.!!!
19 Sep, 2009
Join the clan then V.....I'm the Mad Lab. Woman in this neighbourhood....and people passing stop to listen to the racket of all the birds feeding in my does sound a bit like a flamin' aviary - but I like it!! And I think the robin thinks it's caviar when I put out the vine weevil grubs!!!
19 Sep, 2009
I use a tiny amount of Temik in every pot containing vulnerable plants - it's systemic so works for a complete season. I was sick and tired of losing fuchsias to the little blighters.
19 Sep, 2009
The only way you can stop vw grubs in pots is to have no plants in them ;-)
19 Sep, 2009
So, how do you know that you have no vw grubs, Stjohnt, if you don't have any dead plants. ;-0)
19 Sep, 2009
Stop it ! stop it ! ----- my sides are aching !!!!
19 Sep, 2009
Wagger what is Temik ?
19 Sep, 2009
im a fan of amilatox aswell. i water it in about now. it has definately worked for us. its not perfect and a few get through but not many.
19 Sep, 2009
Temik is a pesticide, the active ingredient of which is aldicarb....which I believe is NOT available in the UK.
I had a look on the web last night when it was mentioned and found an entry - can't remember where now - but it was/is used in the States in cotton growing and there was a case of poisoning where it had been used in the growing of melons...I think.
I'll stick to Armillatox thanks!!
20 Sep, 2009
It is available in the UK and as I don't eat my fuschias and don't use it on edible crops I don't feel I'm putting myself in any danger, Alz - the hairy hands worry me a bit though.
20 Sep, 2009
Golly! One learns something new on GOY every day right enough. I had always been lead to believe that it was only available to farmers etc and not to gardeners. I must look next time I am at the local GC ,Wagger. Thanks for the heads-up!! Still think I will stick to Armillatox though!!!
Your reference to hairy hands concerns me a bit - backs or palms??????? LOL
20 Sep, 2009
Don't think you'll find it at the GC, Alz - I've had this for years, originally from a nursery supplier.
Palms, of course! - LOL
20 Sep, 2009
Figured as much...about the aldicarb I mean!!!!!!!!!
You must have been hand-brushing the pet hairs off the sofa to get the hairy palms then, W ????? ;;~)))
20 Sep, 2009
Sofa's leather so that's not the answer - help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 Sep, 2009
Oh dear - I guess the answer is in your own hands !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 Sep, 2009
LOL - have to start shaving!
20 Sep, 2009
Off to buy armillatox tom. . can't do with all this shaving business-------hairy hands ?????
Thanks all.
20 Sep, 2009
Previous question
« I'm making a cold frame from old windows. what should I use as a base? paving...
I think it needs to be done twice in the season ,but can't remember when without looking at the box.
Look at Bobs question about crocs in pots as well for lining ideas :)
Sorry that's Merfyn james question on crocs :)
19 Sep, 2009