Cats dig up our lawn - any ideas for a deterrent?
United Kingdom
The lawn is year old and reseeded rather than laying new turf
21 Sep, 2009
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cats in the garden
We have seen the cats digging and they are not particularly bothered when we try to shooo them away! I just cannot imagine what the attraction is to digging up the garden, or what we can do to stop them.
21 Sep, 2009
Get the hose out and drench them they do not like this. In dry weather I foundd large amounts of anti cat pepper works.
21 Sep, 2009
I will have a go with the anti cat pepper, and my husband has been keen to drench them too. I will let you know how we progress. Many thanks
21 Sep, 2009
I have heard the "Silent Roar" the Lion manure pellets works a treat! You can get them from Dobies and other garden centres etc...or on line of course.
There are battery operated sonic cat scarers that work too...they say! Not so sure about them...I used them but found that in time the neighbours' cats got used to them! Still - might be worth a try until you get the problem under control.....short of keeping a dog!
One other trick I used on patches of my lawn that needed re-seeding etc until they were up and flourishing - was twigs and branches of holly or anything prickly laid over the surface for a few weeks - doesn't look very tidy - but just might stop them. Funny how cats can't resist fresh ground...and new lawns are a "must-go" area I find!!
21 Sep, 2009
I have just sent off to for silent roar, about £11 with postage, if you want to wate a little a while ''I will report on it, or just put silent roar on google.
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks everyone, that is really helpful and I look forward to getting the report on Roar.
21 Sep, 2009
sent for silent roha on 21st recived today 23, put down acording to instructions at mid day, the cats hear fear nothing and prettywell rule , I have two nabours that miss nothing watching out for cats, and I will reoprt in three our four days unless they cross the line''when I will report to you and to were I got it from.
23 Sep, 2009
the cats do not seam alarmed by the silent roar, they walk quit close to it and do not seam to notice it , but nothing has crosted it yet they usualy walk right through as if they are keeping a right of way open, but they now prefer to go the senic route ,a smal dog on a lead refused to cross it last night, but lets wate a bit ,it could be that their owners are keeping them in thinking that what I have put down is poison, some people do think like that, I hope that no one dose poison one or I will get the blame,
24 Sep, 2009
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Have you seen cats do this Alexandra or is it at night as it may possibly be some other animal?
21 Sep, 2009