Suggestions for a beautiful climbing, scented Rose please?
By Rozz12
United Kingdom
Hi everyone!
I have just had a new, small, garden shed added to my little garden.
In order to disguise it, I have had a trellis put in front of the shed.
Any suggestions of what to plant in front of this trellis, to make a pretty view from my kitchen window?
Possibly scented?
22 Sep, 2009
Snap, Born Again! Just came on to put exactly that suggestion down.
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks for the suggestion; have thought of that one but just wondered if there were others that I dont know about?
I only joined recently; already realising that it's just one big happy family here! (So to speak).
22 Sep, 2009
Do you have a colour preference Rozz?
22 Sep, 2009
"A Shropshire Lad" is a lovely peachy David Austen rose which blooms reliably and profusely in May, June and July and repeats around now. It has a lovely scent too.
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Rozz,I used to have a lovely really deep pink rose called Aloha it's not hard to find and has a lovely heady perfume , it grows upto about 3 mts and flowers for a long time. There are many rose experts on this site (I'm not one of them) I'm quite new but someone should be able to give you more options. I'll have a look and see who is rose expert:-))
24 Sep, 2009
Telme8 seems to be keen on roses, have a look, if you ask anyone who has been here a year or so they will also be able to point you in the right direction:-)
24 Sep, 2009
22 Sep, 2009