Safe Garden Space
By Healerwitch
Sussex County, Delaware,
United States
We have a real issue here....the only spce in the yard that gets sufficient sun for vegetables is also over the septic drain field......any suggestions on how to overcome this problem?
22 Sep, 2009
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Hi HW. I have a similar problem in that I don't want to grow anything in my soil next year due to blight spores. My temporary solution (to give the soil a chance to recover after treatment) is to grow all of my veg next year in tubs or containers. I am busy collecting as many as I can lay my hands on. Large size troughs, buckets, trugs anything that will hold sufficient soil and has holes in will be pressed into service. Not a long term solution I know but if you are stuck for one or two seasons it may provide a solution. Best of luck.
Ian. ;~))
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks for the replies guys....My hubby (the scientist type) loves the idea of the cloth over the surface of the ground, but Ian I think I am going to utilize both Ideas.
I tried container gardening this year, but put 2 plants per container instead of just one...not enuf space, sadly.
But we have access to 55 gal drums (food Grade), for relatively I am having hubby cut them down the middle to lay on their sides, and then we will make wooden x's for them to rest in...should be plenty of dirt for a few plants then!
I can then have a "normal" garden space and a transportable one! Thanks for the great help Ian and Bulbaholic
23 Sep, 2009
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The important thing is not to upset the septic tank drainfield. Also remember that draifields have a finite life and at some point it will have to be dug up and relaid.
How about if you you laid a porous membrane over the drainfield and constructed a raised bed over it - remembering that at some point you will have to dismantle it. I think I might stick to plants that just produce above the surface rather than root vegetables.
22 Sep, 2009