Is there any other way of disinfecting my greenhouse apart from Jeyes Fluid as I hate the smell also how can I effectively clean flower pots?
By Caruana
United Kingdom
east sussex
11 Oct, 2009
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I agree with Cliffo a sulphur candle or one of the others smoke type treatments. Is it just Jeyes Fluid that you hate the smell of? Mr MB uses a cheap own brand disinfectant in the water he washes pots in. Mind you some folk on GoY don't even wash their pots - I guess it depends what you have had in them and what you plan on using them for next.
11 Oct, 2009
Clean water and a good scrub will clean most pots then rinse in a cheap disinfectant. If clay pots are heavily encrusted then I tie them on a cord and suspend them in the rain tub for a few days before scrubbing. (Rainwater is slightly acidic.)
11 Oct, 2009
I use silver sand and a pan scrubber to get clay pots clean enough for showing things in.
There is a Citrus based disinfectant which I have found quite effective in the greenhouse.
11 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that one, Owdboggy, I will give it a try.
11 Oct, 2009
Oh lord more mess...
11 Oct, 2009
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get a sulpha candle light it in the greenhouse close evertthing up, garden center' and pots soap and water
11 Oct, 2009