Where can i buy Oxalis ?
By Louise1
United Kingdom
I've seen these plants several times on here now, in peoples gardens, but try as i might i can't find any suppliers.
Does anyone know of a nursery that has these in stock currently ?
13 Oct, 2009
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mine is from my mums garden it's in my photos have you seen it . I will pm you ok .
13 Oct, 2009
Hi louise . I got some Oxalis bulbs from Thompson & Morgan by mail order. You could try them.
13 Oct, 2009
you often find them in plastic packets in shops like wilkinsons, poundstretcher and instore. other gc may sell them too.
13 Oct, 2009
Wow, this is great !
Thank you all for your help, i'll check each one out.
Tulsalady, it was just seeing yours that made me take action, thank you !
13 Oct, 2009
Seaburn, i just PMd you.
13 Oct, 2009
I hope it's not the Oxalis I'm thinking of. If so it's one that spreads and is impossible to get rid of.
13 Oct, 2009
there is an oxalis that does that, Heron, but there are other far more ornamental kinds too.
13 Oct, 2009
Do you know the name of the one that spreads? it would be useful for anyone thinking of buying an Oxalis.
13 Oct, 2009
Oxalis corniculata, Heron. I know that spreads like wildfire. Having just looked it up, looks like O. latifolia and O. debilis are invasive too.
13 Oct, 2009
yes thanks louise. its an interesting one isnt it. to believe or not believe that is the question?
13 Oct, 2009
The oxalis i got is called ''iron cross'' is this a wild spreader??
13 Oct, 2009
wish you,d asked last week as I lifted and binned 20 iron cross.
13 Oct, 2009
No, Blah - it does spread a bit, but its not that invasive.
13 Oct, 2009
Don't plant oxalis pes-caprae (Bermuda buttercup) - it spreads everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE). The whole island of Crete is infested with it!
13 Oct, 2009
I have the purple leaved yellow flower one I use it as summer bedding and just bin it when I empty my tubs it is a spreader but it looks lovely.
13 Oct, 2009
If you want some Oxalis Iron Cross Louise I can send you some, but I'm afraid I don't have many. I just have 15 dry little bulbs left over. You are welcome to have them if you fancy them. I could post.
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks everyone, i think i'll read-up on them and take it from there.
I know it's a pink coloured one i'd like but there seem to be several to choose from and they're not flagged at invasive.
I've looked for pictures of them and found Pottertons Nursery - where boweii, deppei, depressa, enneaphylla, hirta, triangularis and versicolor are listed. (iron cross is amongst that lot)
Does anyone have experience with which of those are invasive ?
A clump former would have been great but in the event of 'nil clumps' i'll choose the least invasive !!!
14 Oct, 2009
Pottertons is another very good nursery. Rob sells excellent plants - ask his advice on which oxalis to buy.
14 Oct, 2009
None of the ones mentioned from Potterton's are invasive like Oxalis cornuta aka pes-capra aka Bermudan Buttercup, but some of them will not really thrive outdoors in most of Britain. As said, you had better ask Robert ( recommend this nursery, it is excellent).
14 Oct, 2009
Most of our oxalis are in pots in the greenhouse as they are not hardy.
14 Oct, 2009
My favourite's triangularis, but it is slightly tender - though mine's survived the last 15 years, first in a garden, now in a pot.
14 Oct, 2009
Thank you all !
I've now done a bit more reading and the types i'd like to choose from are O. depressa, enneaphylla or obtusa.
I can't see/read that they're invasive, what do you think ?
Also, the RHS say some are better in sun and some shade and again i can't find that out either, can you help ?
14 Oct, 2009
I usually compromise and put them in half sun, half shade, Louise!
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bamboo :-)
14 Oct, 2009
Last question !
O. versicolor - the RHS state flowers from summer through to winter.
Pottertons state flowers from December through to March.
Which DO you believe ?
14 Oct, 2009
14 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bamboo.
15 Oct, 2009
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Kevock Gardens has a good range of oxalis all grown by them selves http://www.kevockgarden.co.uk/
13 Oct, 2009