Wintering plants, Help??
By Madperth
Perth & Kinross,
Could someone please help me decide which plants I need to 'put to sleep' or bring indoors for winter?
I know about the fuschias & begonias (thanks Di!) but I'm not sure what else would need to come in!
16 Oct, 2009
As Amb says it depends on what you have in your garden. Have a walk round and write down the names of the plants you think may be vulnerable then look on the 'tinterweb' to see what temperatures they will tolerate, hardiness and over winter care. It may take a little time to research this but it will be worth it.
17 Oct, 2009
I'm more worried about the fact that almost all of my plants are 'babies' this year! I've spent the summer getting the garden together! I DO know now that my chocolate cosmos will need to come in (mind you, its looking sorry for itself already) & I have 2 tiny euonymus plants too!
Its more for reference for next year, as I have about a millon seeds to go out, & am never sure what's hardy or not, especially in Scotland!!
17 Oct, 2009
If you're worried about the euonymus, move them to a sheltered spot, but they are very hardy, so they should be fine. Its difficult for anyone to answer yoiur question - you just need to check whether the plants you're not sure of are hardy or tender, either by looking them up online, giving us a list of them, or looking in books. So if you want a sensible answer from us on here, we'd need a list!
17 Oct, 2009
Paper and pencil time, MP and make us a nice list - everything you are worried about - remembering that you are in Bonnie Scotland...and in gorgeous Perthshire too - where the frosts are HARD at times.
We await your list....nice job on a sunny afternoon!!
17 Oct, 2009
Was too busy tidying the garden, cutting grass & refilling my shed today to write a list, but as soon as I can, I will! I'll do a list of what I've aqquired this year, & maybe you can let me know how hardy they are or not! Thank you!
17 Oct, 2009
Only you can answer that. You know how cold it gets where you live, the aspect and exposure of your garden and beds. The tenderness of plants is well documented on the internet.
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks Andrea!
17 Oct, 2009
Fair point Andrea - the internet is very helpful - but just occasionally those of us who live in the same part of the country like to help each other out - if we can:>>)))
17 Oct, 2009
LOl, Alz, last time I tried to look up a plant online I ended up here & never got away!!
17 Oct, 2009
I know what you mean MP...I did the same when I wanted the name of that flamng daisy plant..alll those weeks ago..and here I am still here!!
17 Oct, 2009
LOL! Its a trap, you know!
Anyway the ones that are still babies or that I'm not sure about are:
Eupatorium Rogersia (young plant)
Rodgersia (baby)
My clematis are all young plants
Jasmine (new plant)
Passion flower (baby)
I've already seen to the fuschias, begonias & cosmos.
There are so many new plants in my NEW garden, I think I'll just cover the whole thing in fleece & hibernate! LOL!
I'll add to this as I think of them! It's freezing again tonight!
18 Oct, 2009
Cold here in London last night too - has been for 3 nights, about 6 degrees, so probably not as cold as you!
All the plants you mention are hardy, but if they're babies, make sure the pots they're in are large enough (might need to pot up so they've got a bit of soil between them and the pot) and I'd huddle them together against a sheltered wall, preferably raised off the ground a bit if possible, surrounded by other, larger plant pots. Or you could bubble wrap the pots round the outside to help insulate them - I know you must get pretty chilly where you live. The Cordyline - I don't bother with this, but you might need to do that pull all the leaves up vertically into a line and tie twine round them to protect the growing tip. Not sure if you need fleece over that as well, don't think you do.
P.S. Am assuming your Passionflower is the bog standard variety, not a fancy one - it's only the ordinary one that's hardy anyway.
19 Oct, 2009
Well done, beat me to it and I agree - I would pop all the pots together .....and gather armfuls of bracken or fern and heap them all around and over the lot.....and make sure they are all cosy under there for the duration by tying the bracken down with a layer of fleece or some lightweight old net curtain (!) on top. Even the hardest frosts should be kept at bay that way. I do that with some of my troughs if I am doubtful. OK - it looks a bit weird - but it seems to work!
As you say - the passionflower - if it is in a pot - pop it inside the greenhouse or on a cold windowsill somewhere and it will tick over until the spring. My old one was planted just inside the greenhouse door and I hack it right back in about November - (or I can't close the door...LOL) and it comes back even stronger every year - must be 20 + year old now and is a mass of flower just now. They really are tougher than they look - well as Bamboo says - the bog-standard one is!!
19 Oct, 2009
I only called it that cos I couldn't remember its full Latin name, but sssh, don't tell anyone, Alzheimer...
19 Oct, 2009
Join the clan.....why do you think I call myself Alzheimer!!!
19 Oct, 2009
Thanks GoYs!! I only knew it was passiflora but not the rest, & I dunno WHY I know that much!!
20 Oct, 2009
Thats because you a GoY member! They come round at night and read latin to you while your asleep! ! ! ;~))
26 Oct, 2009
LOL! I think they must!!
Salvias! Can you put them to bed like fuschias??
26 Oct, 2009
Depends on whether they are annual bedding or perennial....if the latter - leave them to it if in the ground - they will cope
26 Oct, 2009
Haven't a clue! I got them from the sick bed at Morrison's!
26 Oct, 2009
Probably summer bedding ones then - if they were in a which ..I would start again next year!
26 Oct, 2009
Ok, shame though! Thanks Alz! I've pm'd you!
26 Oct, 2009
Depends what you've got Ree ?? what do you have that you are not sure about...
17 Oct, 2009