By Terratoonie

5 Feb, 2009
Despite the deep snow, Conker the Shetland Sheepdog,
helps Postman Pat deliver the mail ~ 5th February 2009.
Comments on this photo
Hello Hywel ~
Yes, Conker is knee-deep in snow today, but the mail must be delivered :o)
5 Feb, 2009
You have more snow than us, it's melting very quickly here. Conker doesn't seem to mind the cold too much!
5 Feb, 2009
What a Star TT!
We have had about an inch but it is a bit slippery to walk on!
5 Feb, 2009
Postman Pat is very lucky to have Conker helping him. How would he manage otherwise ? :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Courageous Conker ! He went out into the deeper snow for me to take this picture. Postman Pat stayed safely in his van with Jess the cat !
Thanks Madmum for your rosy wellies - now on blog. :o)
Arlene and Hywel ~ keep warm in Wales. xxx
Down south, Holly's snow has all gone !
5 Feb, 2009
It's been snowing here quite thickly this morning, but on the coast it may not be so bad. The forecast said rain but they're wrong. unless it turns to rain later.
5 Feb, 2009
Ok..nurse, mailman, cook..what next?
Whatever Conker is, he is soo cute. I would like to kiss his little ears!!
Hope his little paws don't get too cold..
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Hywel ~ I think rain is expected to wash the snow away. :o)
Hi. NN ~ Yesterday, Conker practised his Super Nanny routine. But today, his pretty pink pram would probably get stuck in the snow. Lol.
5 Feb, 2009
Great photo TT ,Conker could have delivered the mail here today,we have,nt had any deliveries because of the heavy snow.
5 Feb, 2009
awww lovely photo TT
5 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Janette and Irish ~
Oh, Janette, I've just been watching the TV news ! Looks like you've certainly had a lot of snow. How are your primroses coping. Are they under fleece ?
Hello Irish. I guess you've missed out on these heavy snows ?
Has Benny been visiting ?
5 Feb, 2009
the heavy snow melted for the most part. still snowing but its not sticking now.
plenty of birds in the garden for food but still no sign of benny
5 Feb, 2009
Yay! Go Conker! Anything for me in there?
5 Feb, 2009
Hi Sid ~ Conker is delivering diet sheets for the GoY Winter Wellie Olympians.
A slim, fit athlete like you probably won't need one ~
I guess you've been a good girl this year with your calories. ;o)
5 Feb, 2009
You are doing a great job Conker..still waiting for our Post...Well done
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Deida ~
Conker is bringing emergency supplies of extra dog biscuits for Percy. :o)
I've been pondering about Benny the robin. Reckon he has gone off courting, and will return with a lady friend in time to make baby robins for the springtime. :o)
5 Feb, 2009
i feal a real dunce lol deeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr we have had a little bit but its gone now lol
5 Feb, 2009
Conker to the rescue!! Hooray!! Well done. Through snow and hail and dark of night....nothing will keep Conker from his destination.
5 Feb, 2009
jerry is like that my springer lol whats conker as a breed ?
5 Feb, 2009
Hello NP ~
Jerry Springer LOL
Conker is a Shetland Sheepdog, or Sheltie.
Like a little Lassie dog
Smaller than a Rough Collie. :o)
Oh Gilli ~
I'll tell Conker how brave you think he is being !
Almost trick practice time here.
We'll do indoor gardening.
He's wearing out my carpet with his little John Deere mower. Lol
5 Feb, 2009
i wish hed deliver our post. we havent had post again today...i suppose thats what you get living in the middle of nowhere.
5 Feb, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
Conker says sorry he couldn't travel as far as Wales to deliver your Wellie Olympics diet sheets today.
But he reckons you've used up so many calories making snow people that you are very fit anyway. LOL
5 Feb, 2009
Yes well done to Conker....boldly going where no..........
5 Feb, 2009
Conker doesn't understand sending mail by second class.
Everything has to be done FAST. lol.
5 Feb, 2009
thanx terra .everything in life has a double edged sword i bet theres some great benefits to i can think of a few myself lol
5 Feb, 2009
Yes, NP.
Our past experiences make us the people we are today.
The longer I own my pets, the more I value every hour with them. :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Good job Conker....does he get paid well for his work TT...? He looks to be needing a raise what with such deep snow and all...and such a loyal worker he is...promotion in the near future?
Perhaps he could take up being a pilot and fly the mail over here!
xxx's Conker....your the best!... ~The Cat
5 Feb, 2009
Wish Conker was my postie as I was expecting a parcel today and it didn't arrive.Great photo, TT and lovely pristine snow.
5 Feb, 2009
Hi Conker, I've been waiting for my notification letter that I won the Publisher Clearninghouse Sweepstakes, and I was wondering if perhaps you saw it in Postman Pat's bag???
Also, can you please contact Popie & Odie -- all they do is bark and growl at our Postman, threatening his poor little life every day. (thank goodness he's a brave sort!)
TT -- You really are amazing with your animals, that's for sure!
I love this photo!!! Conker must make the neighborhood smile!
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Gee and Poetg ~
Must admit, Conker has the complete Postman Pat kit ~
little van which he tows, Jess the Cat, mailbox. LOL.
Conker says that he tried to drive the van out today, but it got stuck in the deep snow ~ so sorry Gee's parcel is late.
Also, Popie and Odie are VERY well trained, because when Poetg has the very big win, they will know all about it in advance, and will welcome the Postman IN, but won't let him OUT again till you have your sweepstakes prize. Lol. :o)
5 Feb, 2009
OH TT....look..behind Conker there...those pots...! They are everywhere...are they Flower Pot people in diguise...under the snow?
5 Feb, 2009
Hi Cat ~
They started out as pots, but are fast mutating into Flower Pot Snow People !
We have more snows forecast for tomorrow, so Conker better keep an eye on them ! :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Oh well done and thank you Conker ...did you deliver my new book it arrived today the BTO Garden Birds and Wildlife , as recomended by a GOY member , I cant recall who it was at the moment , it,s from Amazon and it,s amazing value .
You must be very strong and clever to find us all in this snow , TT should give you extra rations to sustain you and a hip flask :o)
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Amy ~
Conker struggled a bit across to Norfolk in the deep snow with your heavy parcel, but he realised such a lovely book must arrive promptly and undamaged.
He has a hip flask each side, full of bonios and secret drinks ;o)
5 Feb, 2009
to have a nice garden,AND a nice dog... it's happiness...
5 Feb, 2009
Hello Florar ~
Yes, it is happiness.
I am very lucky. I have nice dog, nice garden and nice budgie too. :o)
5 Feb, 2009
your obviously happy thats the mane thing terra
5 Feb, 2009
Hello NP.
Yes, I guess I've learnt what's important in my life, and I count my blessings. :o)
Great friends, nice gardens and precious pets. :o)
............ and not too many days of snow. LOL
5 Feb, 2009
TT? did you not notice...I asked about a raise for Conker for all his hard work earlier?
5 Feb, 2009
Ahhhhh bless him, isnt he a sweetie?
6 Feb, 2009
shux thanx dotty lol
6 Feb, 2009
Hi Dottyd2 and NP ~
More heavy snow coming down today, so Conker will need to be very determined to deliver everyone's post on time. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
Hello Cat ~
Yes, I noticed about the pay raise for Conker, but it had to go to review.
Good news is he has been awarded an extra Bonio per parcel.
Crocus the budgie has agreed to deliver airmail packages. Lol
6 Feb, 2009
Can I have on of those diet sheets please....I think I need one!
6 Feb, 2009
Fear not, Sid ~
Conker is on his way to you now.
Please have bonios ready.
Snow coming down quite heavily here, but he will battle through for the sake of your fitness ....
We need you in tip-top condition for your gardening and for your Winter Wellie Olympics training. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
Oh and now Conker will have better energy trudging through that deep snow...goodness he is a lifesaver for so many...not to mention the Winter WO trainees.....he is a Wonder Dog...many loving pets and ear scritches to Conker...and hugs to you as well...xx~Cat
6 Feb, 2009
the snows comming down here heavy but its not forming so thats good though snow looks lovley realy just once lol
6 Feb, 2009
I've just come in from more snow-clearing !
This must be keeping me fit. Lol.
I've scattered salt where my friends are likely to walk.
Snow looks beautiful when it first falls, but I don't want it too often !
Conker is delighted with the love and hugs Cat has sent all those miles from the USA. He says "return to sender", but in his case, it means he is sending love and hugs back to Cat. xxx
6 Feb, 2009
do you the world of good terra it just mite not feal like it lol your right about the snow.ive asked the question about the gardening tips part of the site possibly and hopefully.i guess i need lots of support if we going to get one hint hint wink wink lol
6 Feb, 2009
be good actualy if on these messages you could put a picture next to it thats relevent.i apreciate that would be some hard brain power for someone
6 Feb, 2009
that looks sarcastic its not supposed to sorry
6 Feb, 2009
Yes, NP, I'm feeling really fit from all this snow-shovelling.
Not sure what you mean about the gardening tips.
Have you put something on questions ?
Don't worry. I don't think you've written anything sarcastic.
6 Feb, 2009
Oh dear I feel really guilty now getting poor Conker to come out in all that snow and blizzard.....and I haven't got any bonios....I've got Go-Cat if that's any good.....?
6 Feb, 2009
I reckon Conker would give it to Postman Pat's cat, Jess. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
Generous of Conker...he is a very thoughtful fellow...
6 Feb, 2009
Conker knows that " Catfinch " is "Cat", so also offers you his cat food.:o)
6 Feb, 2009
Conker looks like he is enjoying his post round , wish he would call on me, Polly would help him! He's certainly a favourite with me!
6 Feb, 2009
Hi Pansypotter ~
Conker loves the idea of Polly helping with his postal deliveries.
They would be an unbeatable team. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
6 Feb, 2009
Where's Jess, the black and white cat,then conker? Well done Conker, the mail must get through!
6 Feb, 2009
Hi Paul ~
Funny you should ask about Jess. I took some more photos today of Conker with his Postman Pat props ( indoors ) including the black-and-white cat !
I'm hoping to make those into a blog soon. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
Oh, Tt, Conker is a beaut! So the cat's not in the bag, then? I look forward to this new blog!
I wonder if they get much snow in Shetland, being in the midst of a salty sea?
Our snow has all gone now - a 24-hr wonder, Thank Goodness! :-)
6 Feb, 2009
Hi David ~
No, the cat's not in the bag. :o)
Postman Pat's bag contains the diet sheets for the Wellie Olympians. Conker will be delivering your copy, because you've only a few weeks before you need to fit in that kilt. :o)
That's good your snow has gone. I cleared my paths yesterday and then a load more white stuff fell out of the sky again this morning, so I was out there repeating the same task ! Lots of snow sitting around here. Forecast is sunny but icy cold. Maybe milder in Shetland. :o)
6 Feb, 2009
Hello TT, I'll lookout for that blog. Glad that the black and white cat will be making an appearance as well as Postman Pat.
6 Feb, 2009
Hooray for Conker. A very brave and daring doggie. Next he will be pulling a dog sled in the Ididarod. I had hoped he would deliver mail over here and have a whole bucket of milk bones ready and waiting for him. Oh well, I understand the constraints of the postal service.
7 Feb, 2009
Oh fab, he is absolutely beautiful and blends so well with the snow :)
7 Feb, 2009
Conker to the rescue!!.....what a great idea TT...Conker pulling a sled of post with such a happy face....what about summer though would he have to wear shorts? lol
7 Feb, 2009
Conker has been out all day, with his black-and-white cat, travelling in his post van, bravely facing the snow and ice to get the mail delivered.
He says thanks to Gilli for the milk bones, which gave him extra energy.
He also brought post by sled to Littledove and Janey.
And, yes, he does wear tennis shorts for our summer dog show "Best 6 Legs" competitions. Lol.
7 Feb, 2009
Just too cute for words toonie what else can I say?!!!
7 Feb, 2009
Hi Pollyannaever ~
How are you ?
Conker sends greetings across the ocean. :o) xxx
7 Feb, 2009
Happy to at last see your photos again, good dog you R Conker
7 Feb, 2009
i should think conkers got a good coat for this weather. i bet he suffers on realy hot days.i used to shave my stburnard in hot summers.looked terrible but made him much more comfertable.on the other hand merkin my staffy/american bulldog cross is nearl bald on her belly ,behind her ears and the rest of her coat isnt over abot 5mil .she would need a coat if i kept her as an outside dog.not that i would.on a run or walk she still keeps warm.i guess power breeds like these are bread for keeping warm or infact living that long.horrible thing to do.her look belies her nature a bit like me maybe.she has the best nature of any dog ive ever owned i think.shes just so powerfull for her size.if she wags her tail and hits ya its like being wipped lol
7 Feb, 2009
Hi Doon ~
Seems all your computer problems are a thing of the past.
That's really good.:o)
Sorry, I think I missed you off my Canada map on the recent Winter Wellie blog.
Hello NP ~
You're right. Some of those happy dogs wag so well they can clear everything off a coffee table with just one tail movement LOL.
Conker seems to cope very well in the heat and in the cold. Maybe his lovely thick coat insulates him from temperature extremes ?
7 Feb, 2009
That's a 1st Class delivery Terra!
8 Feb, 2009
Wowwwwwwww, nice job Conker :)
gone to my favs!!!!!
8 Feb, 2009
Hi Greenfingers and Aleyna ~
The snow is still out there. Not all melted yet.
8 Feb, 2009
I am so impressed that Conker is not only carrying the mail but Jess the cat as well..does Jess ride in the bag or on his neck holding on to Conkers ears?
8 Feb, 2009
Jess the cat usually rides on Conker's Royal Mail van.
Photos of both will follow some time soon :o)
8 Feb, 2009
Hi Conker..looking forward to the emergency is snowing again
hope you can make it..Percy
8 Feb, 2009
Hi Percy.
Snowing again ? Oh no !
Don't worry. My mailbag is full of dog biscuits.
I'll be visiting you soon. :o)
Conker. xxx
P.S. Have you seen there are more CATS just joined the Winter Wellie Olympic team. !
8 Feb, 2009
most dogs but the tiny ones but even some of them have good coats they just got no mass
8 Feb, 2009
What>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Can't believe it..good luck to them
8 Feb, 2009
I know how the cats and dogs got onto the Winter Wellie blog ~
but how did Noseypotter get there in his wellies ??? Lol
8 Feb, 2009
AAAAAAAAaaaaawwwwwww Conker i wish my Postman was a Cute as u ;) lol Great Pic TT "Gone Into Pets Dogs " xxx
9 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Jacque.
We still have the snow sitting here !
Has your snow melted ?
9 Feb, 2009
Been2cold to melt TT The Foot Paths are Awful but the Roads are Good now , We had some snow showers yesterday eveing but nothing 2bad :) Seems lots of places have had it alot worse than My Area ? My Garden Boareders look like a Ice Rink:( The water that was in them has Frozen solid :( il take some pics &post them l8r ,I think iv lost lots of plants this yr due 2 the Wet :( xxx
9 Feb, 2009
You can see from the above photo how much snow I had in my gardens.
Most of that snow is still there !
Yes, sadly lots of us will have lost plants.
9 Feb, 2009
Had over an inch of snow last night and expecting more tonight. Was going into Derby to have a look round the shops and some lunch but given up as the roads and pavements are very icy.
9 Feb, 2009
I think you're sensible, Linda, to say home safe and warm.
Conker will speed through the snow and bring you your mail :o)
9 Feb, 2009
When Conker Delivers my Mail TT can i have just the letters plez & Maybe Conker could just lose the Bills in the Snow ;) lol
9 Feb, 2009
I'll train Crocus the budgie to shred the bills by chewing them into little bits of paper. Lol.
9 Feb, 2009
Great Idea TT Im Sure Crocus will do a Fab Job Of Shredding The Bills ;) lol x
9 Feb, 2009
I use my shredded paper for my rabbits toilet box to mix with the sawdust to make it go further. He keeps the rest of his hutch clean. CAn I keep Conker for a while if he gets stuck delivering my post in the deep deep snow of the Derbyshire hills. He looks a lovely dog. If Crocus the budgie shreds up the bills, you will save on using the electricity for the shredding machine, thus saving the planet.......and recycling at the same time.
9 Feb, 2009
Sounds like a very 'green' trio ~
the rabbit, Conker and Crocus.
Conker also does tricks vacuuming and sweeping, so if he stays for a while, he'll help you with the cleaning.
9 Feb, 2009
Oh Conker you are brave!! horrible freezing fog here today :(
9 Feb, 2009
very funny terra lol we had heavy snow that settled one day here in sunny norfolk but it just about all went thanx to a strange orange round thing in the sky a few times.its snowed quite heavily since but doesnt settle .the down side is its overcast and depressing to look at.i guess im quite lucky though of my palms is trying to burst out of its cocering believe it or not.i see that as a for bill and paper could have a slit above and gerbils underneath there brilliant at it and seam to enjoy it lol .spring soon the plant told me so lol
9 Feb, 2009
Well, Noseypotter ~
All I can say is if your palm thinks it is springtime, you probably live in one of the extra-warm Norfolk hotspots. Were you sunbathing today ? LOL.
But you're right with rodent-power ! The gerbils could set up in business with the budgies, and save the planet with electricity-free paper shredding. Would this be the answer to the credit crunch ? Gerbil munch ? LOL. :o)
9 Feb, 2009
What a great dog, to do the cleaning, and sweeping, yes he can certainly come to stay. What are his rates of pay.....T Bone steak I've no doubt, as for the budgie will a packet of seed do?
9 Feb, 2009
Conker has a little pram. He could push Twinkle the cat around. :o)
For his salary, dog biscuits would be ideal ~
but he does ask for a cold weather bonus. :o)
Crocus the budgie thrives on Trill, and millet ~
with mirrors to improve his work environment. Lol.
9 Feb, 2009
Just an afterthought...
I'ts raining it's pouring
the Gerbils are snoring,
their teeth are bent
through shredding tent
and gave up cos it was boring.
Conker's postie for the week
Crocus has a cutting beak
Gerbils have been on the shred
so Peter's warm on his new bed.
9 Feb, 2009
Well done I say,
To Linda k !
Ode for Pete bunny
Is really funny :o)
9 Feb, 2009
very good terra lol that put a smile on my face.i didnt know you were a poet lol.i think gerbils are better than budgies as they never stop with there rodent teeth.they are made for just that kind of a job.the other thing is gerbils dont realy wee or smell as they come from the desert and cant aford to do that.they dont know there in the uk lol here here about lindak terra
9 Feb, 2009
aaahhh cute ;-)
9 Feb, 2009
your not wrong
10 Feb, 2009
Hi jh ~
How are you ? Is your garden still there under the snow ?
NP ~ jh is NEVER wrong. LOL.
10 Feb, 2009
I even have snow this morning...and after I saw my Spring Robin too...! Conker sounds quite busy there with cleaning and dogs are lazy in on my legs sleeping at end of couch and one on the floor..all sound a sleep..not one thought of delivering mail....humph.
10 Feb, 2009
Hello Cat ~
Some parts of Britain now have floods from lots of rain and from melting snow!
Everyone will be very happy to see springtime.
Sunny with blue skies here, but we still have snow around.
Don't worry.
Conker will do his very best to bring your mail. :o)
10 Feb, 2009
I went into Derby today and the streets were o.k. there, but we still have snow on the pavements that are not in the sunshine, and there is snow in the garden, but it's melting. I saw a street person who looked at me and asked if I could help. I bought him a hot cup of tea and a beefburger and got his dog some biscuits. Perhaps his circumstances took a turn for the worse and landed him on the street or perhaps that's how he likes to live I didn't know or ask but he looked cold and the dog was sat on his lap on the floor. I did what I thought right. I wouldn't give him money. The greenhouse arrived this morning at 7.20a.m. I will be able to grow some indoor tomatoes and peppers this year. YIPPEE!
10 Feb, 2009
ooh....I'm looking forward to the summer Best 6 Legs competition....TT...if it's raining will you all wear wellies? :o)
10 Feb, 2009
Great news about Linda's new greenhouse !
Imagine the summertime, with all that produce growing well :o)
I think she made absolutely the right decisions about the street person.
Hot drink, warm food and biscuits for his dog. Not money. The fact that his dog was on his lap and not on the cold pavement is really nice.
10 Feb, 2009
and..... Best Six Legs classes at the charity dog shows.....
yes, with the British weather, I'm often in shorts and wellies. Lol.
Did you hear on the news today, that with the British bad weather, some shops are sold out of wellies ? Me thinks this alarming fact deserves a mention on my GoY Winter Wellie Olympics blog, so I'm hopping over there now. :o)
10 Feb, 2009
I've got to help Gerry erect the greenhouse YET!!!! just hope we get all the bits in the right places...........or it may be the only crooked greenhouse in the whole of Derbyshire!!
10 Feb, 2009
A photographic account of you and Gerry erecting the greenhouse could be The Best Blog of 2009 :o)
Working title : Derbyshire Designer Hothouse. Lol.
10 Feb, 2009
here here to ya lindak you did the right thing and your right about his dog.
10 Feb, 2009
nice pic of conker
11 Feb, 2009
11 Feb, 2009
Hello Islander ~
Thank you.
I guess you have even more snow than in this photo right now !
What does Lassie think of the snow ?
11 Feb, 2009
we got none here in sunny norfolk
11 Feb, 2009
NP ~
It's your sunny smile that keeps your garden so warm. Lol.
11 Feb, 2009
behave terra lol
11 Feb, 2009
11 Feb, 2009
11 Feb, 2009
Conker the Brave-Heart!!! Beautiful picture of Conker, despite the freezing weather in the pic, he still can afford us a doggy pose!!!Lovely:-)
16 Feb, 2009
Hi Panther ~
The last of the snow has just about melted today !
It took ages to finally disappear.
I reckon Conker doesn't feel the cold with his thick coat... but maybe his paws were cold in that deep snow ! :o)
16 Feb, 2009
Hi TT, it's nice to know that the snow has finally melted away. Yes I bet Conker doesn't feel the cold with such a healthy coat he has!!:-)
16 Feb, 2009
unlike me lol
16 Feb, 2009
:-) Noseypotter
17 Feb, 2009
NP ~
Maybe you need a hat knitted from Sheltie wool :o)
17 Feb, 2009
maybe i do.i always had thin hair.i dont realy feal the cold much lol but thanx for the offer
17 Feb, 2009
It's the in thing...the fashion for men to have their hair shaved off. I always think back to history and how fashion goes around, the Romans, and the time when in English history that the women and men wore powdered wigs, because they had there heads shaved or had very short hair.
18 Feb, 2009
Is that what Conker is delivering in his mail bag ?
Toupees and wigs ? Lol.
Lindak ~ You're right ~
Hairstyles go in and out of fashion, just like garden designs !
18 Feb, 2009
Perhaps the dogs get together and make toupees and wigs from the dog hairs and sell them to the humans.
18 Feb, 2009
From the time when Conker was a puppy, I've been saving the combings of his hair because it can be spun and made into wool. :o)
It is lovely clean, strong hair.
This spinning is done with the combings of quite a number of hairy breeds ~ e.g. Rough Collies.
18 Feb, 2009
Postman Pat is ill you know
because of all this wretched snow,
But Conker has come to the fore
delivering mail to every door.
He's also advertising where
you can buy wigs of doggie hair
made by Conker and his friends
to disguise all your hair split ends.
Dress up at parties just for fun,
there is a wig for everyone
Curly Spanielly cut
or tattyanna from the mutt.
18 Feb, 2009
Want to look just like a diva ?
Use gold hair from your Retriever.
Smart moustache that's really jolly ?
Combings from your Bearded Collie.
Need a wig to really please ?
Steal one from your Pekingese.
Not much hair on your Shar-Pei -
Might require its own toupee !
Think your hairstyle could look better ?
Tints and hints from your Red Setter.
Need to be a stunning hottie ?
Hair extensions like your Scottie.
Conker brings them. Yes he can.
Through the snow in his red van.
18 Feb, 2009
18 Feb, 2009
Could not have written it without your poem, Lindak. ~
Yours was the inspiration. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
What are you going to make with the doggie hair? Knit a jumper? or make a cushion cover?
18 Feb, 2009
I have some hair combings stored from a previous Sheltie.
The hair is clean and good quality and keeps well if stored in cardboard boxes where it can 'breathe'.
And I've collected all the combings from Conker. I will eventually ask a craftsperson to spin it for me. I've discussed the idea with spinners at fetes. A cushion cover sounds a good idea. Maybe one side for each Sheltie. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Phoebe's undercoat s so soft..I always hate to toss it out but leave it to the birds for long does it have to be to be spun her underdoat is only about and inch at the most...hhhmmmm?
18 Feb, 2009
I'm not sure on coat length for spinning, but an inch sounds a bit short.
I still have lots of stripped hair ( about an inch like Phoebe's coat ) from old Bonsai the Welsh Terrier which I will put out in the garden gradually for the birds' nests. :o)
Nice to think that although Bonsai is gone, his hair is making warm, comfortable bedding for baby sparrows and baby blue tits. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
cant hair be phelted
18 Feb, 2009
not sure about that ....I have only seen the wool knitted and then felted..
18 Feb, 2009
ive sean rabbit fur just felted
20 Feb, 2009
the old english bowler hat it made of felt
20 Feb, 2009
love this x x
21 Feb, 2009
Thanks Nita ~
The snow was quite a long way up Conker's legs ! xxx
21 Feb, 2009
conkers verticly challanged bless lol terra
22 Feb, 2009
Must admit Conker looks a bit legless. Lol
22 Feb, 2009
not to worry spring soon
22 Feb, 2009
Oh, lovely Conker, must show my granddaughter:-)
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
I hope your granddaughter likes Postman Pat :o)
28 Sep, 2009
Loves him:-)
28 Sep, 2009
I'm so pleased :o)
Conker sends granddaughter a hug.. xxx
29 Sep, 2009
Nominated for goypedia snow pics!!
27 Nov, 2009
You should knit Conker a winter coat from his own hair!!
27 Nov, 2009
Lol. Yes, I have a box full of Conker's hair...........combings collected over the years.....could make a lovely coat.:o)
27 Nov, 2009
Exactly! And it would be totally natural! Lol!
I've suggested this for snow AND Xmas garden pages!
27 Nov, 2009
Excellent.... Conker will be very pleased :o)
27 Nov, 2009
:~)) It doesnt seem to have shown up yet, though! :~((
27 Nov, 2009
Lovely pic Conker xxxx
16 Dec, 2009
Annella... thanks xxxxx :o)
16 Dec, 2009
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18 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
17 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Aug, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
27 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
17 Jun, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Jan, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Jun, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Jun, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
11 Jan, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
17 Mar, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
4 Jan, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
21 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
12 May, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Mar, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
28 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
25 Aug, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Nov, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
29 Mar, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
25 Aug, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
29 Jun, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Mar, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Jan, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
19 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
7 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
18 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
27 Oct, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
22 Apr, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
25 Jan, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
8 Aug, 2012
Clever Conker. He doesn't seem to mind the snow with his nice fur coat.
It looks quite deep TT.
5 Feb, 2009