Greenhouse Cleaning
United Kingdom
I am sure this is not the right time of year to be cleaning Greenhouses, as they are full of everything which is being overwintered - but I would be interested in when and how (ie with what) everyone cleans the glass on their greenhouses. Mine look filthy and its the number one job for next year. Thanks.
20 Oct, 2009
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I wash mine down with diluted Jeyes Fluid in warm water. Supposed to kill off any nasties aswell as clean the glass. Must admit I always do it when the greenhouse is empty though.
20 Oct, 2009
Yea, wouldn't recommend that if the greenhouse is full. I'd use washing up liquid in water with a drop of vinegar, followed by a rinse with water and a bit of vinegar - leave the sterilising for when its empty.
20 Oct, 2009
Too true Bamboo, Jeyes fluid is a great steriliser and will kill off your plants too.
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks guys - jeyes fluid in spring then, and washing up liquid and vinegar this weekend! Oh dear - I wanted a quiet one too! Hope it rains....
Bamboo - I must say, I've always found you confrontational, hostile and rude - but that's why I like talking to you!!! I must have missed something exciting,...will have to poke around until I find out what...
21 Oct, 2009
Weedpatch - forgot to ask - what time of year do you generally do your greenhouse cleaning??
21 Oct, 2009
I usually do mine in early spring, if there are any plants in there I simply move 'em out. I used to try to grow winter crops but found it not worthwhile. I have an unusual GH in that the soil is waist high. I'll post a pic in my gallery. I use TCP with a spot of washing-up liquid to clean the glass and Amatillox to de-bug the soil.
21 Oct, 2009
I have problems in cleaning our greenhouse in that it always has plants in it. Also, it is very well ventlitated so fumigating candles are of limited use.
My main problem s moss growing along the joints on the outside of the roof. Anyone any ideas on how to remove/kill this?
21 Oct, 2009
I read somewhere that those little sticks with cotton wool on the ends (for babies!) make good glass joint cleaners. Again, dipped in Jeyes Fluid.
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the responses. I'd love to see a picture of your greenhouse Heron - sounds very interesting - let me know when you post a picture!
21 Oct, 2009
I cleaned my greenhouse when I removed the shading from the glass and while it was reasonably empty...end of September. before filling it with overwintering plants. I used diluted Jeyes Fluid.....doing it at this time of year optimises light through the winter, especially as I use bubble wrap for insulation.
I don't bother removing moss from the joints inside or stops
21 Oct, 2009
I do roughly the same as Amblealice but only use soapy water and rinse with disinfectant. I quite like a draught as I think it ventilates and stops mould.
21 Oct, 2009
Cheeer up Bambo I too find it difficult answering sometimes because of the flak but on the whole I enyoy the different approaches to the same problem its good that we discuss and consider even argue at times? Then its up to the asker to decide which opinion to go with or not?
But never rudeness or one up manship! Replies should come with respect for opinions that may differ from our own after all thats how we learn and grow. So I say ignore them and carry on.
21 Oct, 2009
Well thanks for that Drc, I shall be taking that advice. And muddywellie, I do hope that was a joke, (though I'm not arguing the confrontational)!
21 Oct, 2009
Of course I was joking - sorry if it didn't come across that way. I hope you're ok now. You are quite direct, but I've never interpreted it as rude - perhaps I am just very thick skinned but I dont think so. Like Drc says - ignore and carry on.
21 Oct, 2009
I wouldn't argue with direct at all - been told too often things like "you shoot straight from the hip" "no side to you" and "you call a spade a shovel" and was recently given a fridge magnet that reads "everyone is entitled to my opinion" so I think that message has been driven well and truly home! ;-))
21 Oct, 2009
Well - all I can say is - just don't change! ;-))
21 Oct, 2009
I won't - the odd adjustment here and there if I feel it necessary, though! Probably too old to change now, anyway;-))
21 Oct, 2009
Loss of eye contact is difficult in this media? The same time posting makes it awkward at times leading to misinterpretation?
I suppose I must have got use to you Bamboo! and would really miss your 'confrontations' makes me cross or laugh sometimes and sometimes I even agree.
I have noticed I can now spot some who's chat may turn awkward and try to steer clear of them but sometimes I do not succeeed. Silence is a great reply I always think (wish there was a button that just said you had read)?
21 Oct, 2009
Well you're obviously better than me at steering clear, Drc! Glad to hear you agree sometimes,and that you laugh sometimes, and being cross, well I can understand that too, I'm certainly not perfect...lively, possibly, but not perfect;-))
21 Oct, 2009
It is easy to misunderstand and not know whether someone's talking tongue in cheek. I sometimes put (S) or ( L) smile/laugh as I don't understand the ones some of you use.
21 Oct, 2009
Famous saying ' dont let the ... ...get you down'
21 Oct, 2009
Well, cross, laughing, furious, whatever, they're all signs of life, aren't they? For which I'm becoming increasingly grateful as I get older...
Oh THAT's what your S and L mean Heron, I wondered. It is a pity we don't have a selection of smileys available on this site, it would be so much easier.
21 Oct, 2009
Oh Heron I am with you on that as I have fallen foul of the tongue in cheek myself on here. Last week I had to ask my daughter what LOL meant then felt daft when she said 'laugh out loud'.
21 Oct, 2009
Smileys would certainly 'immediately' erase more than half of the communication problems we sometimes get on here.
If we could see the manner in which a comment was written we would see how it should be taken.
Instead, we have to guess and inevitably we/people will get it wrong.
Peter & Ajay ..... please could you arrange smileys ??
21 Oct, 2009
I've already asked that a few months back, Louise, but was told it wasn't possible. And Drc, I thought lol was lots of love for ages ....
21 Oct, 2009
Well if it isn't possible maybe we'll have to start copying and paste-ing them - is that even possible ??
What a pain :-/
21 Oct, 2009
LOVE it! This site is so lively, stimulating and funny! By the way, I use LOL....Laugh Out Loud.....a lot!
PS...Don't change Bamboo!
21 Oct, 2009
lol, then, Izzy - I must admit, in the early days, I did wonder why everyone on the site seemed to be so affectionate with their lol's all over the place.
21 Oct, 2009
Well then Louise isnt LOL our smileys anyway?
I must just add that your last comment seems so you Bambo LOL
21 Oct, 2009
Ha, hah, lol, Drc. We have lots of things that get used on the site, but it only works if we all understand them, I guess - I had to ask recently what LMAO was, and LMSO, so I think I've got to grips with most of them now.
21 Oct, 2009
Yes - more smiles would make it a lot easier. I also agree with Drc that you can generally tell who's going to get difficult - so you just learn to steer clear.
I think this is the point where I have to throw all my toys out of the pram at the fact that you are NOT discussing the cleaning of greenhouses. Come on you lot - I won't stand for this!!!
(Much wailing and screaming and gnashing of teeth!!) ;-))))))
21 Oct, 2009
Sorry, muddywellie - thought we'd dealt with that already, I know how much you're looking forward to being outside with a bucket, sponge and rubber gloves.
It occurs to me that what we need is a spot called "Forum" where someone posts something and we can all ramble on loosely about whatever it is, then it wouldn't matter if we all got off subject, so to speak. They have that on another site I belong to and it works quite well.
21 Oct, 2009
I was actually contemplating whether it was worth paying someone else to do it! Do they have specialist cleaners for this sort of thing??
21 Oct, 2009
I have no idea - presumably a general cleaner/odd job man might mean you run the risk of getting the glass broken or, worse, your plants splashed.
Just thought, what about asking a window cleaner, if you have one anywhere or can get hold of one?
21 Oct, 2009
Can't harm the plants!! No - wellies on, bucket in hand and sponge at the ready at the weekend I think. I wonder what my mum's doing....:-O!!
21 Oct, 2009
Get a squeegee if you haven't one - I clean all my windows with a bucket, fairy liquid and vinegar, and a vinegar/water rinse, squeegeed off - works a treat.
21 Oct, 2009
Very good idea - will do.
21 Oct, 2009
Long handle window cleaners that extend and to rinse the outside use the hose pipe very gently.
21 Oct, 2009
Great idea about the hose, Denise - the only trouble here is that our water pressure is so low that the jet wouldn't even reach waist level! LOL.
It drives me crazy at times - but the Water Board says nothing can be done, :-((
21 Oct, 2009
I too have asked about smileys and been told "they have been added to the list for consideration". Just a few days ago I suggested various Sections for "other matters"...not specifically gardening.... but have not had a reply.
It is difficult to judge the "written word" sometimes....but give people the benefit of the doubt...unless they are particuarlarly obstreperous....................
PS: You are OK Bamboo (smile)....
21 Oct, 2009
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I've never had a greenhouse, but I've just looked up some info - doesn't say when to clean the glass, but it does say it needs to be as clean as possible in the winter to let in sufficient light. So I think that might take care of your weekend...! I hope you did not find this answer "confrontational, hostile and rude", as another member on here has told me that is what he finds me...
20 Oct, 2009