By Grandma1
United Kingdom
Is cononeaster poisonous
On plant
30 Oct, 2009
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poisonous garden plants
I'd add the above info is correct for humans - I don't think birds are bothered at all by cotoneaster berries.
30 Oct, 2009
No I agree Bamboo they eat them all the time but I think they can also eat solarnum with no problem?
30 Oct, 2009
Apparently, yes, Moongrower. I find the chocolate thing fascinating - 221bs of chocolate in one sitting will kill a human being - one tiny piece will kill a bird, so I guess it's not just sensitivity to poisons, but quantity counts too.
31 Oct, 2009
Makes sense Bamboo... though how any human could eat that much chocolate in one sitting is beyond me! Mr MB and I don't eat that much in a year! As a total aside did you see the new item about the woman in the States who died in some daft competition to be the one to drink the most water without going to the loo?
31 Oct, 2009
Jo Brand said she'd have no problem consuming that much chocolate in one sitting! And as for the woman in the States, I don't know what to say - survival of the fittest, putting it kindly?
Apologies Grandma, for seconding your question to have a chat;-))
31 Oct, 2009
From me to... we are a garrulous bunch!
31 Oct, 2009
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Hi Grandma Cotoneaster is considered to be mildly toxic in that it can cause vomiting and diarrhea This is a useful website to check if a plant is toxic If really isn't a good idea to eat the fruits of ornamental plants growing in your garden unless you are absolutely certain that they are not toxic, far more are than people think!
30 Oct, 2009