Pink poinsettias?
By Tugbrethil
United States
A customer mentioned in passing today that she really loved the rose pink poinsettias, because "They lasted longer". This is news to me, and I was wondering what you folks' experience is with the different varieties and colors of poinsettias.
On plant
Euphorbia pulcherrima
14 Dec, 2012
Hi Tug, I did do a blog on 3rd December after a visit to the greenhouses of the largest grower of poinsettias in Scotland. I dk if many in the UK will be able to say if there is a difference because we have not had them in our shops until this year. It was interesting to find that the people in the group I was in had all had similar experiences of having difficulty keeping the plants leaves on. The guide said that it was quite normal for the plants in her home country of Zimbabwe to lose all their green leaves but the coloured bracts would remain intact. Over there the plants grow in to fair sized shrubs.
15 Dec, 2012
I'd always done well with Pointsettias until this year when I bought 2 pink Princettias. Only small, I had them a weekend before they dropped their the compost bin now. It must have been the transportation to the garden centre that had affected them, I took great care to keep them covered in and out of the car....:((
15 Dec, 2012
Great blog, Scotsgran, sorry I missed it first time around!
About the leaf loss:
A lot of times the loss of green leaves in the house is associated with too high temperatures (above 21º C) and lack of light. Continued warmth will result in the colored bracts dropping, too. Sometimes it can be tricky avoiding giving yourself chillblains, and keeping the decorative plants happy. Temps below 7º can be harmful also, so covering in the car may not be enough, if you leave it parked for a couple of hours while you Christmas shop.
Other comments still welcome! : )
17 Dec, 2012
Have you had a look at the poinsettia page in the A-Z at the foot of the page. Bernieh in Oz grows the pink one outside.
17 Dec, 2012
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Scotsgran did a blog a week or so ago about poinsettias. I'm typing this on my phone so can't easily put in a link for you but I'm sure your capable of finding it without a link TGB :))
14 Dec, 2012