Ariege/Midi Pyrenees,
I have several geraniums in pots, still going strong but I want to save them. Can I just plant them in the garden as I don't have a greenhouse. I live in the Midi Pyrenees about an hour from Spain but still have short but very cold weather spells between January and March.
1 Nov, 2009
Or fleece them up,still in their pots, in a group as I do. Before you do this pick off any suspect leaves and water them with weak fertiliser. This way you do have to keep an eye. Or use a mini greenhouse of some kind and follow same routine. Spring- --pot on if large..... they do love a big pot! It has worked for me,in the London area for about 5 years, not all will thrive I must add- so take cuttings.
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Wendy, and Dr.B long time no chat... glad you are still about....
Wendy, I would'nt know about overwintering outside in Spain, Dr.B would be your man for this... but just to add to what he has said, they are also really easy to take cuttings from... they can be grown really easy from cutting either in water or soil, and they don't take up much space, so you can put them on window sils in the house and forget about them. come spring you will have a new batch of plants ready to replace any you loose.... not that i expect that you will if you follow Dr.B's advice :-)
Sorry Dorjac crossed with you there... i live near london too but lost most of my parent geraniums in my greenhouse - ( unheated ofcourse) last year :-( luckly i had cuttings of all of them :-) so have done just the same this year,,, always works for me.
1 Nov, 2009
Hi Angie, nice to hear from you too, I was wondering where you had got too, hope you are well.
1 Nov, 2009
i just stand mine in a corner of the shed or up the front of the garage and water them very sparingly over the winter. They are usually ok. Another thing I tried, having heard it somewhere, was wrapping the dry plants, without soil, individually in newspaper and just keeping them in the loft. About half survived and were suitable for taking cuttings.
1 Nov, 2009
I'm still around...just been busy in the outside world...but you know me never go to far away... lol
1 Nov, 2009
Thank you to everyone for your tips. Much appreciated. May I not simply plant them in the garden as well as the other strategies?
1 Nov, 2009
Not if you get frosts, Wendy! They'd just turn to mush.
1 Nov, 2009
cut them back, wrap them up in newspaper, keep em dry, spray them with sulphur powder. You may be lucky, you may not!
1 Nov, 2009
Previous question
Enjoy your geraniums for a month or so then find a corner of your ground, turn the pots on their sides, dust with sulphur. Cover with straw for the cold months, when mild again (March/April) bring out, clean up and they should have survived.
1 Nov, 2009