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London, United Kingdom

I have several Heather plants to go into my window box.What earth do they like to grow in ?



nearly all heathers prefer ericacious compost so that is the best really. If you are concerned about using peat products then a coir type alternative will do just as well. watering with rain water will also help as it is slighty acidic.
enjoy your plants. :o)

27 Nov, 2009


Depends whether you've got Calluna or Erica heathers - Calluna only likes acid (ericaceous compost) soil, whereas Erica is happy in alkaline or neutral soil.

27 Nov, 2009


That depends on which sort you have. Calluna species need acid compost, as do most Ericas. There are some Ericas which will tolerate neutral compost. I would err on the side of caution, and use ericaceous compost at this time of year.

27 Nov, 2009


SNAP, Sbg and Bamboo! :-)))

27 Nov, 2009


great minds think a like :o))

27 Nov, 2009


Never heard of an coir based ericaceous compost, can someone confirm that one does exist ?

27 Nov, 2009


I have used them in the past but not very recently so perhaps they have gone out of fashion.

27 Nov, 2009


I certainly remember one being available some years ago, around the time that coir shells were available for mulching instead of bark chips, but I can't say I've seen any coir products at all for some time at the garden centres. Or am I thinking of coca shells for mulching ... perhaps I am, memory's going, lol

27 Nov, 2009

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