United Kingdom
how do i get my orchid to re flower after prunning? i may have cut the stem off too short? and now worried it wont grow!
13 Dec, 2009
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orchid plants
A tip - take the plant to a room where the temperature is a few degrees lower than its normal one, and leave it there for 3 weeks. This 'shock' treatment often works if a plant is slow in producing a new stem.
14 Dec, 2009
Thats a good tip,Spritzhenry,I didn't know that,so will try that in future....Thanks.
14 Dec, 2009
I wrote a blog about orchid care in October this year - I don't know if you saw it? ;-)
14 Dec, 2009
No i didn't Spritzhenry,but will definitely look it up.Thank you...:o))
15 Dec, 2009
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I wouldn't worry about cutting the stem too short,as when the time is right,it will send up another stem.Just be patient,as I am sure it will survive.The old stem doesn't always flower again,even if you had cut it to a node,as is
recommended,as it sometimes withers and goes brown,so you have to cut it off anyway.This has happened to mine over the past 4 years,but has always grown new stems again.This year I had 42 flowers on,so don't worry.It will
probably be fine.
13 Dec, 2009