Potting up Dendrobium keiki's
By meanie
Dendrobiums are one of the best orchids for producing keiki’s. It is very easy to remove these and pot up.
1: You will need.
2: Select the keiki. As the photo below shows, it was quite a small one, but I selected this keiki because it had a reasonable root to go into the potting medium. Gently tease it away from the cane that it is growing on, using the sterilised blade if needed. When using the blade try not to damage the keiki.
3: Before filling the pot, attach the keiki to the support at the correct height. I use the bamboo skewers from chinese grocery stores and the plastic coated wire – twist the wire tightly around the skewer and make a loop for the keiki to sit in. Stand the support in the empty pot and adjust the height so that the cane of the keiki will sit on the surface of the compost when filled.
4: Fill the pot. I have used a mix of medium orchid bark and perlite (to help increase air around the previously aerial roots). I stop short of what will be the surface, add a bit of sphag moss (to retain some moisture near the top for new roots to “sniff” out) and place the keiki and support into the pot.
5: Carefully top up the pot up to the base of the keiki cane, being careful not to put any excessive pressure on the roots below the surface, as they are brittle.
6: Give it a ten minute soak in lukewarm water and remove. This is what the finished pot should look like………….
All done!
28 Nov, 2011
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That's fascinating, and I like the name 'keiki' :o)
I've never had any success with growing orchids, but I do admire them.
This will be useful to many people :o)
28 Nov, 2011
Thank you meanie, that was a really interesting and useful blog, i dont think my orchids are the right kind to produce the keikis, i might go and look for a dendrobium now though, thank you.
28 Nov, 2011
Cazcat - I have a Phalaenopsis that produced a keiki which I left on. It's a triffid now!!
If it's a Dendrobium that you're struggling to rebloom, mine do best in a north facing window sill in the bathroom. I have a Dendrobium phalaenopsis just about to burst into bloom. Den.kingianium and its hybrids seem to need a cool spell (8 to 10c) for a while to encourage a rebloom.
Hywel - considering your flair with cacti I'm surprised that you struggle with them! Although I do struggle with cactus.
Sticki - you may be surprised how many do knock out the keikis! Orchids such as Oncidium that grow from pseudobulbs don't, but produce new pseudobulbs which you divide and pot up in the same way as above.
I believe that I've already promised you one of my Den."Berry Oda" in the spring didn't I?
28 Nov, 2011
I think you did ~ and that will be lovely, thank you again. Mine must be the phalenopsis??? type?? I have 2 white ones one with yellow in the centre and one with that crimson pink colour. I havent noticed anything like a keiki on either of them.
28 Nov, 2011
Phals are by far the most common.
I have another phal that decided to grow a keiki on the end of a flower spike!
28 Nov, 2011
I shall keep looking, they are in the bath at the moment cos i sprayed them! bit like their shower??
i do like that name keiki, did you ever read geisha girl?
28 Nov, 2011
To a certain extent, keikis can be a sign of distress.
All my Dens get a weekly blast in the shower, although it is not so good for Phals as it can (but not always) lead to rot. But once a week or so will not hurt.
Never read Geisha Girl - the last book I read was Ian Bannks' The Wasp Factory.
28 Nov, 2011
that would certainly be a different one for me, never read horror, scottish village appealing though!!
28 Nov, 2011
It's not really horror - more psychologically messed in the head!
28 Nov, 2011
Thank you, Meanie. Gone to favourites for future reference...I'm planning to get some orchids for the garden.
28 Nov, 2011
Thankyou Meanie, very imformative blog...
28 Nov, 2011
Karen - check this out for inspiration...............
28 Nov, 2011
Thanks Lincslass - the basics are the same for most orchids really.
28 Nov, 2011
I'm out of breath from rushing out to see if I have any Keikis ,I haven't , but will put this very useful info. on my favourites ,Thanks Meanie :o)
28 Nov, 2011
Thats a great blog Keith...really useful. I wish I had a Keiki, but hey, that's life! :))
28 Nov, 2011
in my favourites too, i love all those starry white flowers in that link.
28 Nov, 2011
Good Blog Meanie, very clear instructions. Saved just in case I ever cave in and buy a couple.
28 Nov, 2011
Thanks all!
Phal keikis develop very slowly, and to be honest, I rather like the way that they "fill" the plant out! So they rarely get separated around here...........
The one on the old flower spike is getting a bit too large and will have to be potted up soon.
28 Nov, 2011
think my head is muddled up enough already!!!
28 Nov, 2011
That's what happens to those who talk in class Sticki!!!!
28 Nov, 2011
well the teacher is supposed to talk!!!!
what makes you think i talked in class??
28 Nov, 2011
Are you saying that you were a good girl!!
28 Nov, 2011
of course!!!!
did you doubt it??
28 Nov, 2011
Hard to believe!
28 Nov, 2011
well meanie, what are you saying!!???
i was good, honestly, was house captain too!
but i had fun as well. loved school.
28 Nov, 2011
House captain!
I hated school......
28 Nov, 2011
yep!! loved the sport.
shame you didnt like it ~ you would have loved it if they taught the right subjects. should have let you work on exotic plants and where they came from etc.
28 Nov, 2011
i was not quite so well behaved at college though, forgot that!!! used to talk! and this wont surprise you ~ we used to eat in class!!!
28 Nov, 2011
I loved cross country, as my little legs were better suited to "up hill and down dale" type running.
My biggest problem with school was that after a small village primary school, everyone at "big" school seemed so backward. Not meaning to be arrogant - at secondary we were going back over what we had done at primary for the first year.
28 Nov, 2011
when that happens it is more than frustrating and i dont blame you for not liking it. i wasnt that clever so it didnt happen to me, but i have seen it happen and it only leads to trouble ~ of some sort ~ it shouldnt happen and possibly wouldnt today [in theory anyway]
our games field was over a mile away from the school, so first we had to walk there, in our lunch time, then do the cross country round the gravel pits and through the bedfordshire clay, after that it would be hockey or netball in the winter, athletics and or tennis in summer, didnt like tennis so much.
the 'little legs' reminds me of a story my dad used to tell ~ he told one friend that a haggis was a bird with one leg shorter than the other so that it could run round scottish mountains more easily!! she believed him for a very long time!!!
when you come from a home as strict as mine was then school would always be more fun!!!
28 Nov, 2011
It led to lots of trouble!
I rather enjoyed tennis (I was quite good at it), and badmington too - games where a quick change of direction was required were good with these legs!
Haggis is vile - deep fried Mars bars must be culinary compared to that!
My parents were strict too, so I just got good at not getting caught!
28 Nov, 2011
i never dared even try ~ they blamed me even when it wasnt my fault!!! being the oldest possibly had something to do with it, but i dont think the other two had much of a naughty thought in their heads!!
some haggis is good and some is awful, but i would give the mars bars a try ~ no doubt you would prefer the triple chocolate version.
i reckon different personalities learn in different ways, i tend to conform ~ or i used to ~ but my guess is you would prefer not to conform and to learn individually???
tennis drove me nuts ~ even though i played for the school occasionally ~ the ball went out too much. preferred raquetball, dont mind squash either, badminton also frustrating cos you have to hit the shuttlecock really hard but there is no satisfying whack ~ it still floats!!!
just been watching 'only connect' ~ you might like it.
28 Nov, 2011
btw, remember that link you put on about the folk dancing in the middle of the town ~ there is another similar occurrence in spain ~ i think possibly valencia?? they start to sing opera!!
and another in a restaurant/bar
28 Nov, 2011
looks good and healthy Meanie, a very interesting blog.
29 Nov, 2011
Sticki - the thing about badminton is that it was very tactical.
There is no way that I'll be trying deep fried Mars bars.........
A big wow for the opera in the market (don't you just love Spanish markets)! A great setting. I don't think it worked as well in the restaurant - not a big enough space maybe?
Thanks SL - my nobile Den is putting out keikis from last years flower points so I'll be starting on that one next.
29 Nov, 2011
Wow, Meanie! So beautiful!
I've found a woman here in Apapa who sells orchids...but I'll just have to take what I can get. She has them in little wire baskets to hang on walls or in trees.
I'll have to wait until I move - but once I've got them I'll post pics.
Incidentally, in La Reunion they make a drink by infusing local rum with local orchids -mmmmm, it's nice!
ps. a haggis is a small furry creature with 2 legs shorter, depending upon which direction it runs - I thought everyone knew that! ;)
29 Nov, 2011
Never caught one nor photographed one Karen!!
29 Nov, 2011
They're very elusive, Sticki!
29 Nov, 2011
Perhaps they keep them in the delicate rare breeds section??!
29 Nov, 2011
Ha! Yes - especially the anti-clockwise runners!!
29 Nov, 2011
Sorry ladies, but the yummiest thing to come out of Scotland is still Annie Lennox!!!
29 Nov, 2011
she is a bit louder than a haggis!!
29 Nov, 2011
billy connolly makes me laugh
neil oliver has a nice voice
29 Nov, 2011
Ha! My husband would agree with you, Meanie (apart from, in his case, me! lol!)
29 Nov, 2011
Far better than haggis Sticki! The Big Yin is a hoot isn't he!
Don't be too harsh on him Karen - us men are weak!!
29 Nov, 2011
My husband loves Annie Lennox. There was an Annie tribute cabaret on a cruise we took once. So we had to attend AND sit right at the front - never again (cruise or entertainment!). He snored so loudly that everyone, including 'Annie' was looking at us. I couldn't get him to wake up enough to leave...very embarrassing...
29 Nov, 2011
Sue did that to me (without the snoring) when we went to see Tinker Tailor at the flicks recently!
29 Nov, 2011
If Nigel had been quieter, I'd have been quite happy to stay...she was really quite good - apart from the Dutch accent! lol
29 Nov, 2011
ok i concede ~ i quite liked this:
but dont think 'yummy' came to mind!!!
tactical badminton ~ hmm ~ that will be why i dont like it ~ no good at that sort of thing.
OH went to tinker tailor ~ but he was disappointed cos it wasnt like the tv series ~ he said.
29 Nov, 2011
Annie Lennox with a Dutch accent!!!!
I liked that too Sticki. Check this out to get you in the festive spirit..............
Loved the film! It was nothing like the TV series, which was nothing like the book, and the radio series was different too. There would be no point to a remake. Gary Oldman was awesome in the film - everything was said with a look or an inflection of the voice.
29 Nov, 2011
christmas in november??? but its got a different 'take' on it ~ i like it, loved the drum, bit like the old 'mummers'.
certainly not what i expected!!
i liked that market place opera ~ i think the open mouthed by-standers make it!!!
29 Nov, 2011
Such a different take on the norm!
The market place was good. Maybe better as it would be better acoustically than the cafe. But the look of shock was excellent!
29 Nov, 2011
Just bought 3 small Phalaenopsis reduced from £6 to 50p each as their flowers are gone, worth a go at that price.
Annie Lennox - Backwards/ Forwards MashUp - DJ EarWorm
Ms Lennox in all her gorgeousness
29 Nov, 2011
certainly a few 'different faces of annie' pimpernel
made me wonder which era of history i would be in if i could choose???
29 Nov, 2011
Pimpernel - Bargain!
DJ Earworm is always interesting too.
It's the combination of those eyes and the gorgeous soft Edinburgh accent that does it for me I think............
29 Nov, 2011
Sticki - so many voices too! The great female voice of the British music industry.
The eighties was a ball! Bad taste abounded, but I was young enough to enjoy it!
29 Nov, 2011
is there a male equivalent??
29 Nov, 2011
Great British male voice??
Joe Cocker, Noel Gallagher, Jackie Levin (may he rest in peace) and (don't laugh) Bowie!
29 Nov, 2011
Gallagher i know [well not personally] oldest son was a big fan of oasis at one point and we took him to several gigs, including loch lomond where he managed to get in 'the pit'!!
bowie, i know too, joe cocker i have heard of but never heard of jackie levin ~ not too sure any of these would be 'yummy'????
29 Nov, 2011
David McAlmont
Listen to Never, never, never.
Though I am a massive Bowie fan.
29 Nov, 2011
I can't comment on yummy..........
Jackie Levin................
29 Nov, 2011
Meanie...Annie's from Aberdeen! It's a Doric accent! :)
29 Nov, 2011
Pimpernel - good voice but not my scene. Great with Bernard Butler though!
I guess Tim Buckley may have been considered "yummy", but he's dead too..............
29 Nov, 2011
Thanks Karen - soooo sexy that Aberdeen accent of hers!!!
29 Nov, 2011
No Wahalla, Meanie! :)))
29 Nov, 2011
English translation Karen!!!
29 Nov, 2011
quite liked bits of all of them, specially some of the guitar playing, probably liked the Bowie most though [but he isnt yummy]
have to be drums to make my heart beat faster!!!
29 Nov, 2011
Sue used to fancy Bryan Ferry.........
29 Nov, 2011
i remember girls really liking him, i wasnt bothered.
29 Nov, 2011
Couldn't stand his voice me!
29 Nov, 2011
Aah...well so did I - his clothes and his voice - not his face, tho'....
29 Nov, 2011
There is also Steve Winwood....
29 Nov, 2011
the current films on youtube were not so good. ~ facially or vocally.
29 Nov, 2011
No problem! as they say here, Meanie :)
Stevie Winwood??? Pimpernel? I thought we were all young!!!!!!
29 Nov, 2011
I'm young anyway.
Still fancy Michelle Pfeiffer like hell though........
29 Nov, 2011
For me...Jeff Bridges (in his day) - the 'thinking woman's beefcake'....!
29 Nov, 2011
steve winwood ok, quite like the music of mumford and sons, still looking for a yummy one though!!
now if Daley Thompson or Mel Gibson [younger version] were singers!!??
29 Nov, 2011
how young is young meanie?
29 Nov, 2011
Daley Thompson's from Dundee, Sticki...I know his brother!
29 Nov, 2011
OK....I've got it for you girls Peter Gabriel ???
29 Nov, 2011
Jeff Bridges is a class actor - The Fisher King, The Fabulous Baker Boys and The Big Lebowski are three of his best.
Young enough Sticki!!
With you on Mumford and Sons too.
29 Nov, 2011
Urgh!!!!!!!! Pimpernel, I'm speechless! lol! :)
29 Nov, 2011
Pimpernel - not a great voice, but the man is pure Class!
29 Nov, 2011
cant be the same one karen
i think he is from london ~ the decathlete.
29 Nov, 2011
he has got quite nice eyes ~ like the bike!!!
never seen any of the films.
29 Nov, 2011
There's just no pleasing you lot....Lol
29 Nov, 2011
sorry. i like it on GoY though, and i like this blog ~ most interesting!!!
29 Nov, 2011
I'm pleased that you bought him up Pimpernel! Means that we can now bring Kate Bush into the conversation! And Mr. Gabriel is class!
It's amazing what you can learn about potting up keikis isn't it Sticki!
29 Nov, 2011
i was wondering if we would go back to that ~ i think its great how far from a subject you can wander.
did you talk in class too???
29 Nov, 2011
And the poster for Babooshka....Bush is Quality ahh!
29 Nov, 2011
If I went Sticki!
She is quality Pimpernel - nice when an artist doesn't release stuff until they have something worth releasing.
29 Nov, 2011
oh, very naughty!!!
29 Nov, 2011
The new album seems interesting...There was an interview with her on radio 4 last week. It's nice that it HER work and not that demanded by a record company.
29 Nov, 2011
she doesnt seem to have changed since 'Heathcliffe'!!!
29 Nov, 2011
A very clear & interesting blog, Meanie. Like a few others I've added it to my favourites so that if at any time in the future I get one I will know how to propagate it!
29 Nov, 2011
I heard that too (the one on Front Row at 7.15?) Pimpernel.
I had an arrangement with some of the teachers Sticki!
Thanks Balcony!
29 Nov, 2011
I can well imagine that arrangement ~ to suit both sides!! I had a friend who was kicked out of biology the minute he walked in because he had tried one of the pieces of equipment ~ on a fellow pupil ~ not the intention i think!!!
29 Nov, 2011
I used to play truant and study at the Library every Wednesday and Thursday ...I was house captain as well Sticki and a prefect.
29 Nov, 2011
100th comment!! [perhaps not all on the same subject!]
why was the library better?
me too pimpernel, but i never played truant; what sports did you do/like?
29 Nov, 2011
All the Summer sports Baseball, Volleyball, Badminton all of the Athletics/ Running all the distances and the Trampoline. Everything but football really.
29 Nov, 2011
I was allowed to bunk off and study (ok, do homework) in the library too!
That's where I learnt how to pot up keikis!
29 Nov, 2011
loved hockey and athletics ~ mostly sprints, hurdles and the jumps, a little volleyball too.
would have loved football but not allowed.
29 Nov, 2011
No one ever questioned my absence, it was taken for granted I would not be there
29 Nov, 2011
Daley Thompson was hyperactive so he had an arrangement with the headteacher ~ work all morning and athletics all afternoon ~ every afternoon ~ the result ~ double olympian!!!
when i was in the sixth form we had PS ~ private study!!?? we played cards and talked!!!
29 Nov, 2011
i have a strong feeling one or two college tutors would have preferred me not to be there.
well, i was very good if it was interesting but if it was boring ~ that wasnt my fault!!! i was a mature student ~ in theory!!!
29 Nov, 2011
I took my seven O levels and left - no way was I doing sixth form!
My Tech Drawing teacher pleaded with me to stay on though, which was nice..........
29 Nov, 2011
Funnily enough I went on to Uni...Got drunk lots and did Ok in the end....and now a postie lol.
29 Nov, 2011
I stayed on to sixth form, school wanted me to go to uni or college but my dad didn't let me cos I was a girl!!
So I went later when my children had grown up, got a good degree (working at same time and doing one afternoon and one evening a week at college) but it's not a clever academic degree. Taught for five years then bit of a crisis, now working part time in a supermarket. Strange world!!
29 Nov, 2011
As long as you/we are happy :0))
29 Nov, 2011
I'm not, but I hope you are, all the postmen I have met seem happy. I like the supermarket but I would like to do more.
You working early tomorrow pimpernel?
29 Nov, 2011
We don't start until 06:45 now Sticki, I still get up at 03:30. But I am an Insomniac so I just see how it goes...What would you like to be doing Stick?
29 Nov, 2011
Meanie is also an insomniac! I have to be up at 5 tomorrow but I can't go to sleep early.
I would just love to be successful at something, be useful, do a good job. I dream of writing children's books or some sort of educational resources.
29 Nov, 2011
Write anything at all for twenty mins a day no more, every day for two weeks and then look back on the lot and see what ideas you have had...Pick out the best two and do the same again..See where it leads you.
29 Nov, 2011
Ok, will have a try, thanks.
I have done one and sent it to publishers.
29 Nov, 2011
Oh..Fingers Crossed
30 Nov, 2011
Not hopeful, had several tries, it's only a short story for younger children, but thanks.
30 Nov, 2011
Sticki - If it work out it works out, if not it doesn't. The important thing is that you tried.
I had a hell of a night and got six hours sleep!
30 Nov, 2011
My internet went down and I missed all this!
Meanie, is six hours good or bad?
Sticki, Daley Thompson's 'half-brother' is Scottish, honestly!
And after all this you could start on several biographies, Sticki! lol!
30 Nov, 2011
Six hours is exceptional Karen!
Eventually I just "crash" for 12/18 hrs and then the cycle starts again.
As a child my parents used to despair - eventually I was sent to a shrink who put it down to an over active mind.
30 Nov, 2011
Over active mind? I never would have guessed! lol!! :)
30 Nov, 2011
Sounds funny doesn't it!
Problem is, I can never sit still, unless I'm totally engrossed.
30 Nov, 2011
Thank you very much for such an informative blog.
30 Nov, 2011
six hours ~ good going meanie ~ you will be full of beans today then!!!
over active mind ~ that explains a lot ~ possibly the same here ~ not a logical mind i might add but can only sit still when on computer ~ no other time, have to do several things at once!!!
that over active mind was obviously the problem in school too.
wish i could write comedy karen ~ we could have fun with those biographies!!
i will keep trying meanie ~ i know i am very trying.
is Daley's half brother just as good looking karen?
30 Nov, 2011
I think that we all provide the comedy for you, Sticki! So many funny anecdotes...but maybe just to us...
As long as they don't fall into the hands of foreign agents (Lujin or whatever she's called!) ;)))))
And...NO! He's not! lol!
30 Nov, 2011
i think you do karen!! i definitely come on here for comedy, laughs and chats!!!
30 Nov, 2011
I have looked but I cant find one of those kiki things anywhere.....have put blog in favourites just in case one come along lol
30 Nov, 2011
this was one i had forgotten but always liked
30 Nov, 2011
You're welcome Camillia!
Dotty - they'll come or not come. I'm trying to find a viable pseudobulb on one of the Cymbidiums to do a blog with, but nothing looks good enough on them....
Sticki - got zero hours last night!
1 Dec, 2011
oh no, can you ever work out why?
obviously better for you to be blogging on here all evening ~ thats when you sleep!!!
1 Dec, 2011
Last night was easy to explain - working!
1 Dec, 2011
you must be very busy!! i did a night shift a couple of weeks ago, went quite quickly.
so you should sleep tonight?
1 Dec, 2011
It was a business user, so took yesterday and today off. Have done this job on several other vans before and got a 9.6 hour book time (the industry recognized time for the job provided by Citreon) down to six hours actual time. Only last night it went "t1ts up" (technical jargon that) - started at 7pm and finished it at 9.10am!
1 Dec, 2011
oh thats not good.
and did you do the technically recognised fix-all ~ ie hit it with a hammer in the end??
explains why the blogging waves were quiet last night too. very few people on GoY last night. :-((
have to drive my old car to suffolk on saturday ~ hoping that wont break down on the way!!
1 Dec, 2011
No hammers involved!
The biggest problem was that the eight bolts that hold the flywheel on took FIVE hours to undo without knackering them! If I had rounded even one off, the van would have been off the road today and most of tomorrow waiting for new bolts.
Customer was made up when it was finished (he was up at 3am hoping to collect it) and wanted me to invoice him the full 14 hours - we've agreed on 12 hours. Just one of those things............
1 Dec, 2011
i think you will have made a customer for life there!!
that is great service!!! im most impressed.
WD40 not strong enough??
1 Dec, 2011
WD40 is a myth!
1 Dec, 2011
no cure all then. just hard work, blood, sweat and tears.
1 Dec, 2011
Hard work, sweat and frankly diabolical swearing!
1 Dec, 2011
i can well imagine ~ the whole of oxfordshire covered in blue smoke ~ from the language not the car!!
1 Dec, 2011
Well - 8 bolts, each requiring about fifteen turns to undo. That equals 120 turns in total, which took the best part of 300 minutes! Yep, the air was foul!
1 Dec, 2011
and no power driven bolt turner to hand?
you might sleep better tonight??
1 Dec, 2011
Power tools would have snapped them - big poo poo!
1 Dec, 2011
Sorry, this is how my mind works.."Julia" Annie Lennox
8 Dec, 2011
Annie Lennox is on Front Row on Radio 4 shortly.......
8 Dec, 2011
on now
8 Dec, 2011
i like some radio 4 programmes but they do repeat a lot. also like 5 live ~ for the fun comments.
8 Dec, 2011
4 extra is replaying the Strangers and Brothers serial taken from the C P Snow novels - quality!
8 Dec, 2011
whats it about?
i used to listen to some of 7, but not always what i wanted.
8 Dec, 2011
Now, do you remember the Strangerers (C4, I think, about 12 years ago)?
...vegetables from another planet who came on an Earth Mission...??
8 Dec, 2011
bit like the triffids??
8 Dec, 2011
It just follows the life of an academic, from leaving uni all the way through.
I missed that Karen...........
8 Dec, 2011
lol you made that up Karen.
8 Dec, 2011
you are the story teller pimpernel...
once upon a time there were three vegetables.....
sounds good meanie, just looked it up but you can only listen to parts 5,6,7,8,9 on iplayer ~ looks like its too late to hear episode 1!!!
8 Dec, 2011
Check out the link in my last reply Pimpernel!
8 Dec, 2011
Haa.. I have not had a TV for over 8 years...That was not funny enough to make me buy one.
8 Dec, 2011
No! I'm not kidding! I even had a 'Strangerers' name...Can't remember now - Have to ask my son... (don't laugh!)
In my defence...it was his idea...he was just a wee boy at the time...
Okay...holes...digging.... :)
8 Dec, 2011
I may tell the tale of the Twins..But Stevie TT will have an apoplexy if I do. And LIl Crawford knows the hairy truth.
8 Dec, 2011
does this tale have a rating? U, 15, etc??
8 Dec, 2011
Forgot how much we chatted on this blog..Did you say somewhere in all that...That you put the Phals outside in Summer?
22 Dec, 2011
I did - shady spot on a tray of gravel and water.
22 Dec, 2011
22 Dec, 2011
Very useful blog Meannie I have 5 dends and rest phals and 2 others forget the name for the name for the moment.
Dends have to be my favourite Orchid and my 5 are all in new growth mode shoots growing .
2 Feb, 2012
Time to move on to Den.kingianium (and its hybrids) and Paphs then Scotkat!!
2 Feb, 2012
How is this keiki now?
4 May, 2013
No idea on most of them Chatbud as I gave them away! Kept one which has bloomed last winter.
5 May, 2013
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Thanks for this blog, we get keikis on our orchids sometimes. Usually we leave them, seems a struggle to get some orchids to reflower, moth orchid is ok though.
28 Nov, 2011