By Mageth
United Kingdom
how do I look after a potted olive tree that I received as a christmas gift. it has been kept in doors for the last few weeks
26 Dec, 2009
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Is there a difference Mg?
This is a mediteranian tree and will like to be grown in a sheltered place in well drained soil. The bigger they are the hardier they are I believe... nice gift!!
26 Dec, 2009
Its an Olea europaea moongrower. I have a sunny patio area but was wondering if I can keep it indoors until the weather warms up Sid?
26 Dec, 2009
So not an ornamental olive and, yes, Sid there is a difference. Well it can survive up to -10 degrees and any amount of heat. Given that it has been indoors for weeks you are going to have to slowly harden it off. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can give you more advice. If not put out during the day and bring into a cold greenhouse/shed at night. If you have snow and heavy frost right now keep in an a cool room until the weather breaks. The difficulty is that the tree has been in a warm environment for weeks so has to be gentled back to normal weather and temperatures.
26 Dec, 2009
thanks M
27 Dec, 2009
Good luck, imagine gathering your own olives...
27 Dec, 2009
Yes......... apparantly they can ripen in this country, fingers crossed
27 Dec, 2009
Where you are yes... I doubt it in northern Scotland though.
27 Dec, 2009
Could you explain the difference please Mg?
29 Dec, 2009
I found a website which stated there was Sid, can't locate now and my brain is only working at about 50% capacity - still got the wretched chest infection. I suspect that Britain was always considered to cool a climate for the trees to actually fruit - hence ornamental... now, possibly due to global warming, they are fruiting in England at least. This is a very interesting site to visit...
Sorry I can't remember any more Sid.
I'm fascinate by the age olive trees get to!
30 Dec, 2009
Ooo - thanks for the link....had no idea you could get an olive to fruit in this country.......will be looking out for one now.....I'm a recent convert to 'em...yum, yum... ;-)
1 Jan, 2010
Is this an ornamental olive or an actual small olive tree?
26 Dec, 2009