By Kidsgran
Mid Glamorgan,
Hello all,not a gardening question but I cant get in to Goy on my ipad since I downloaded iso6 anyone else with this prob ? I get a message saying (We,ve made a mistake ) followed by Looks like something isnt quite right with Grows on You . hope it gets sorted as I love useing my ipad for this site . sorry to have to ask the here on here .
8 Mar, 2013
Thanks Hywel I have done a reset everything ok so far panic over lol .
8 Mar, 2013
I had that message last night and this morning - a complete restart of my laptop fixed it. I think it may be a problem related to an expired cookie.
8 Mar, 2013
Message from Pamg ...
I have contacted Terra as I cannot access GoY either ...
I have asked her to add this comment for me ...
My machine is a Sony tablet and although I can access all other websites, GoY said :
Oops there is a problem ... please try again
Now I get the message :
Seems that we have made a mistake
Something isn't quite right on GoY
I will pass any comments, advice, replies on to Pamg.
8 Mar, 2013
HI Terra/Pam - I'm guessing you are using Windows 8 on your tablet? If so here is a quick guide on how to restart Windows. This is what worked for me - hope it helps you!
(link edited)
8 Mar, 2013
Well I'll be blowed, I've been on goy all day with no probs, now this is my 2nd attempt to comment here....
My account has played up a lot lately,used two different laptops and also my tablet, everything else seems ok so I guess its only goy, I get both those messages a lot, my comments disappear on some accounts and yet are ok with others, last week I appeared as iciar but it wouldn't allow me to edit or delete that comment, this has happened before and does affect more members apparently, they are trying to fix this problem for us, obviously not a teccie person myself but do wonder if the account mix up is anything to do with it.....
8 Mar, 2013
thanks .. Dirtyred and Sue ..
I'm passing all comments on to Pam.
8 Mar, 2013
I have been the same since last night and just got on now.
Had the very same message all day long .
We've made a mistake.
8 Mar, 2013
thanks for the info. Kath ... I've told Pam.
8 Mar, 2013
I'm having the same trouble on my phone. Samsung galaxy S3. Only having the problem with GOY. Laptop is working ok though
9 Mar, 2013
Hi Kidsgran,
I have an ipad and haven't been able to contact GOY since early yesterday. I just had the bright idea to close down my ipad altogether - which often cures problems and voila - when I powered it up again I got straight in.
But I'd love to know what caused the problem, I guess we'll never know. Or is there some clever person wo can explain it ?
9 Mar, 2013
I think the problem is the "cookies" that GOY uses (described in the "Cookies and Terms of use & privacy" link at bottom right of the page). Basically what I think is happening is that GOY is "forgetting" to update the cookies that are left on your laptop or tablet when you close the page. This means next time you try to open the page, GOY gets itself in a muddle and does not know if you are a new user or if you have been here before. When you restart your laptop or tablet, GOY uses a brand new cookie, which can then correctly pick up your details. I can't be certain but it would definitely be my (educated) guess.
10 Mar, 2013
Interesting to read the comments which I am passing on to Pamg.
The cookies info. sounds logical...
10 Mar, 2013
Thanks for your analysis D. R. I knew someone would respond to my question.
10 Mar, 2013
No problem Hank. Hope Pam is able to get back on soon Terra.
10 Mar, 2013
Thank you :o)
10 Mar, 2013
It was a relief to me to find others experiencing the same probems as I don't mind admitting I am not clued up on how these things work, if something is not right I automatically think I've done something wrong at first, I have learnt more on Goy on how to work my way around than anything I learn from my instruction files and user books....
10 Mar, 2013
panic over then!!!!! i havent been able to get on goy for days....i thought u had all been zapped up by aliens....just logged on on my mams laptop...and i'm soo glad your all still there....i was in a real tiz.....:-)
12 Mar, 2013
Hi Sandra ..
Pamg still can't access GoY ...
...nice to hear from you :o)
... and thanks to Kidsgran for starting this Question :o)
12 Mar, 2013
i just shut my computer right down and restarted it and its all working again now...oh it made me mad..maybe the boys could put a message on the page that comes up...
12 Mar, 2013
Yesterday I sent a message on Pam's behalf to 'GoY management' so hopefully Pam will be back with us soon...
12 Mar, 2013
Hi Terra do you know if Pam was able to restart her tablet? Drop me a PM if it would be any help for her to email me direct.
12 Mar, 2013
Hi Dirtyred..
Pam is still having problems accessing GoY ..
I'll send you a pm. Thanks.
12 Mar, 2013
That flipping gremlin is working its way around us, mine is ok at the moment, although I was losing some comments again yesterday...
12 Mar, 2013
Just in case there are still any golden oldies needing company, I am still using a PC. If it ain't broke, why fix it?
13 Mar, 2013
Well , could it be the weather ?
We lost our Sky connection on Saturday night , and the kind lady from India said ( after we told her that it was snowing and very windy ) that it must be the snow !
Fortunately we have just the digi-box in another room so all was not lost ( Spiral on BBC4 )!!!
Like you Steragram , I couldn't cope with anything more teccy than the PC ( and that is a challenge sometimes ).
13 Mar, 2013
Previous question
« I bought a big, bushy strepto concord Blue last year. It's even bigger now &...
I had that message last night, and I've only got a laptop ... that's as modern as I get.
8 Mar, 2013