By Hank
United Kingdom
Apart from onions, shallots and garlic, which I set last October and are doing very nicely, my raised beds are empty, but are prepared to receive the lettuce, beetroot and spinach that are now coming up in small pots in my greenhouse.
Is there anything else I can do to prevent these from being eaten by slugs etc which made short shrift of them last year ? I've tried pellets, eggshells and fine gravel to no avail.
27 Mar, 2013
Ducks work really well, but then tend to move on to eat the seedlings themselves when the slugs and snails have all been eaten, so it's a bit of a two-edged suggestion. Sorry.
27 Mar, 2013
Plastic bottles sound a possibility, thanks. Will try that first.
27 Mar, 2013
You could try Nemaslug Slug Killer its expensive and they is a lot of debate as to whether it works or try to work out how you might use copper tape around your plants I have used plastic bottles with tape before.eBay will be the cheapest place for both Nemaslug and copper tape
27 Mar, 2013