By Sid
United Kingdom
My Amaryllises still have green leaves on them, dispite being in an unheated porch and being allowed to dry out since the end of summer. Yesterday, I brought them back into the warm and watered them well. Have I done the right thing?
On plant
Hippeastrum papilio
13 Jan, 2010
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Oh really?! I had mine in the greenhouse for a while and also I put them outside for a bit. I kept them watered and fed them through the summer as I thought that would build them up again for flowering...I'm new to Ameryllis :-)
13 Jan, 2010
Hippeastrum papilio is a hippeastrum, comon caled Butterfly amaryllis, but this no makeit a amarylis,cos it is a Hippeastrum- treet it hten like a hipeastrum, no a amarylis-htey are 2 completly difrent plnts from 2 complete difrent continents =hte sitation is no help by supliers call hipeastrumm, amarylis, cos it sell beter
13 Jan, 2010
Try the gardeners world web site. I'm sure it was there I was reading about the fact they can be sulky and not flower for a year or two after the first time they flowered.
I too have one with all leaves. It flowered last year, I then done all the right stuff and he is paying me back with green leaves. I will therefore feed water etc etc and hopefully next year he will play properly.
13 Jan, 2010
If you look under the GoYpedia page on "amaryllis"....there are full instructions on looking after hippeastrums, wrongly called amaryllis....
13 Jan, 2010
Mine is the same Sid.......I'm hoping a bud will appear in a few days, but not banking on it.....shall have to see if there are some in the sales at the garden centres...which I remember is where I got this one last year...Lol!
13 Jan, 2010
what you have to remember is the growers disbud plants for several years to get a large bulb and big flower for when they sell them. the next year they have to be cossetted to build up their flowering strength.
its the same for hyacinths. they are regularly disbudded [often hormonally] for about 4 yrs they are then sold and you get the big heavy flowers. subsequent years the flower is less 'blousy'.
14 Jan, 2010
Thanks folks - sounds like I shouldn't expect any flowers this year then - that's a pity. I'll continue to water and feed them up and hopefully I'll get flowers next year. What is odd is that they have not died down at all - I thought all bulbs did that.
14 Jan, 2010
Just an update to say that my Ameryllis did form a bud a couple of weeks after I asked this question and the first flower opened up over the weekend! Hope all of you have now had similar luck :-)
1 Mar, 2010
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dont see why not but i sually let mine start to dry out in early summer.
13 Jan, 2010