What is the Latin name 4 Day Lily?
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
Can u help?
6 Jun, 2008
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Well done Bonkers :) Thanx 4 that now i can enter my compertion & u can share the winnings if u want :)
6 Jun, 2008
Thank you Jacque , I know my picture was spooky but do you think there is anyone else out there or is just thee and me tonight? Winnings?
6 Jun, 2008
Maybe their out on the Town or In Bed Bonkers? If we win the competion Bonkers we can share £15 @ Spalding Bulbs :)
6 Jun, 2008
THAT's the company who sold me the Evening Primroses that were menat to be pink, but turned out white!
6 Jun, 2008
OMG it such a Small world dont u think Spritz?
6 Jun, 2008
Thanks Jacque after Spritz comments knew there had to be a catch.That plus a 300 mile round trip to collect them - ? I make that £7.50 prize and £60 in fuel !
6 Jun, 2008
It would come as no surprise Im sure when I say I have just planted 2 Hemerocallis 1 is called Joan Senior and I forget what the other is called I know its red.
7 Jun, 2008
I think, if I can find their catalogue, I am going to add them to the shop tag. I am NOT impressed and they keep on sending rubbish offers to me. (I throw them away, that's why I may not be able to add them...)
7 Jun, 2008
Any company that sends me a catalogue with pictures of blue tulips or blue roses goes straight in the recycling bin. That includes Spalding Bulbs
7 Jun, 2008
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Hemerocallis - Jacque.
6 Jun, 2008