New Daylilies for 2011
By simbad
Well its that time of year again the daylilies have just about finished, a few still going strong, just been looking back at all my new ones that flowered for the first time this year, know a lot of you have already seen these pictures but for those who haven’t :-))
‘Applique’ love this one bought from botanicalady who’s a member on here, she has some fabulous daylilies, I want them all.
‘Lurch’ another of botanicalady’s her websites well worth a look or two :-)
I bought ‘Third Witch’ last year so had to complete the set with ‘Brown Witch’
And ‘Grey Witch’
‘Chris Salter’
‘Crintonic Shadowlands’,Love this one,its also Alexandras favourite ;-)
‘Dick Kitchingman’ another lovely spider.
‘Dragon Dreams’ very pretty little miniature flowered variety, but just look at that pattern.
‘Fire and Fog’ waited 2 years for this one to flower, not bad for a first flower, hopefully next year the edges will be more yellowy to give a ‘foggy’ effect.
‘Green Mystique’ for those who like the frilly edges.
‘Julie Newmar’ another thats taken 2 years to flower, worth the wait though.
‘Lady Betty Fretz’ and this one is still flowering now, thought I’d have to wait till next year for this one.
‘Lines of Splendor’ another of my favourite spidery ones.
‘Magical Swirls’ fabulous colour on this one picture doesn’t do it justice.
‘Mata Hari’ and this one is sending up more flower scapes even now.
‘Navajo Princess’
‘Sink into your Eyes’ another for those lovers of the frilly edges.
‘Solid Geometry’ really starting to like the doubles, they often don’t double straight away but this one did.
‘Steely Blue Eyes’ another thats taken a couple of years to flower but wow what a beauty.
‘Watchyl Digital Scream’ another of the botanicalady’s beauties, huge flower on this one 14inch!!!! across.
Well hope you enjoyed the pictures and roll on next summer as of course I’ve bought more this year, while there’s still grass to dig up I’ll keep adding to my collection :-))
4 Sep, 2011
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Would love to know your secret - I just can't grow daylilies - yours are amazing
5 Sep, 2011
All fabulous Simbad....I love them all....I agree with Lulu 'applique love' is devine, 'Cris Salter', 'Crintonic Shadowlands' is another stunner and 'Green Mystique'....fab
5 Sep, 2011
Thankyou :-))
Must admit 'Applique' is my favourite new one Lulu, 10inch flowers too, followed very closely by 'Lurch' but do love them all.
Just give them a sunny spot Paul where they're not crowded by other plants, don't plant too deeply just level with where the leaves join the rootstock(too deep can stop them flowering) and give a good feed of fertilizer in spring, I give mine seaweed fertilizer,also divide every 2-3 years as if the clumps get too big they tend to stop flowering, soil type doesn't matter they'll grow in any, go on have another go :-)))
Good choices there Motinot:-) 'Crintonic Shadowlands'
had a couple of even better flowers with a blue/grey halo round the edge of the yellow.
5 Sep, 2011
Thanks Simbad :)
5 Sep, 2011
Beautiful Daylillies simbad....
5 Sep, 2011
All beautiful Kathy - you must have one of the finest collections in the UK :-)
5 Sep, 2011
Now you have got me yearning, I have only just started growing them in the last few years and I am hooked,
lovely photo`s Simbad.
Added to favourites for future reference...
5 Sep, 2011
They are all lovely. Such wonderful colours and shape variation. I couldn't choose a favourite but I love Grey witch and Applique and also Solid geometry. I wanted to get some more so I'll have to have a look.
Keep digging up that grass.
5 Sep, 2011
Thankyou Holly :-)
I wish Dawn,I'm working on it :-), know quite a few people from the BHHS who have really fantastic collections, but thankyou glad you like them :-))
Oooo Lincslass and Marshmallow can I see a couple of new addicts in the making :-)) take a look at, she holds the national collection of spider and unusual forms, she's also a member on here, and another GOY member, botanicalady, I also buy a lot from ebay some really good sellers on there too, also, I've had great plants from all these sellers.
5 Sep, 2011
They're all beautiful. There are so many I don't think it would be possible to have a favourite would it ........ Tou've got quite a collection there. It's nice to collect something that gives so much pleasure :o)
6 Sep, 2011
I can feel a other extension to your day lily bed coming soon.
6 Sep, 2011
Thankyou Hywel, they certainly give me lots of pleasure, my favourites change from day to day in the summer :-))
Already planned Dawn,lol, quite a few in pots again waiting for a new home.
6 Sep, 2011
Good for you Kathy.
6 Sep, 2011
Hi Simbad - great flowers and pictures. The ones in my garden are only yellow - didn't know you could get so many different colours.
12 Sep, 2011
Thankyou Goody2shoes glad you like them,yes they have come on sooo much in recent years just so many to choose from from the smallest miniatures to the largest spiders,some with amazing patterns, I just want them all :-)
Welcome to GOY :-))
13 Sep, 2011
Hi Simbad
You may be the Queen of Daylily's but the King is now in the House
The picture quality is much better on here than you know were lol sssshhhh dont tell them I have defected lol
5 Dec, 2011
Lol Gnarly, good to see you on here, although don't think I like the competition lol, whats it worth not to tell mmmm, maybe a bit of that desert icicle, lol :-)))
Looking forward to seeing all your beauties next year:-)
6 Dec, 2011
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Aren't they amazing Simbad, Love the first one, 'applique love'.
5 Sep, 2011