By Monjardinlra
Limousin, France
Ain't it gorgeous! In this late-flowering Spring this has clearly won the prize. But what is it? Azalea? if so which? It hasn't grown (thank heavens!) in 5 years, but obviously likes where it is. I am hoping to clear the bed round it (as you see, much infested) but I should surely leave this?
- 14 May, 2013
This is Bougainvillea Glabra, no?
Look here:
Your jaw will drop!
14 May, 2013
Yes, weed round it - its beautiful. I thought it was an azalea as well, but its difficult to see the individual flowers. Chatbud's closeup will settle it for you one way or the other.
14 May, 2013
I think if it was a bourgainvillia it would have grown in five years. I have a mini azalia which is the same colour and it hasn't grown much in as many years.
14 May, 2013
I have a similar one. They certainly pack a punch!
14 May, 2013
I zoomed in and think the flowers are cone shaped which says dwarf azalea to me, leaf size and shape do too
15 May, 2013
I also think Azalea, what used to be called A indica, or indian azalea, I have a very similar plant, but red flowers, there is a photo in my photos, Derek.
15 May, 2013
Looks like "Azalea Madame van Hecke"
16 May, 2013
Its gorgeous, sorry I can't help more.....can you weed around it?
14 May, 2013