By Pancy
United Kingdom
I am on the move yet again.
I have loads of plants to move Roses iris etc.
wrong time of year to be moving plants i know
i do want to take most with me. any ideas to help them on to there new home.
17 May, 2013
I often move things at the wrong time of year. I find that providing I keep on top of watering they do settle back in.
17 May, 2013
Don't forget if you are selling a house, the plants belong to the house and you may not remove them, unless they are specifically excluded from the sale.
18 May, 2013
Thank you all for your very useful tips. i have been very reluctant on moving these srubs etc for fear of killing them off.
I am in a rented accomadation, the land lord does not want to purchase the plants so they are coming with me
I have been saving news paper for wrapping, this now will used for the roses. Great tips wish me and them luck.
Keep you posted.
18 May, 2013
If your clematis is climbing everywhere, you might have to be ruthless and chop it back to a manageable height before digging it up. As they say, it has two chances! Good luck.
18 May, 2013
do i dare chop back, even the montana that is in full bloom. hey ho.
18 May, 2013
It's better to have tried than to regret! I know I did when moving house. When I go back to visit an old neighbour it breaks my heart seeing what has been killed off or removed!
18 May, 2013
I agree, Scottish!!!!
Next time I move I shall be asking the buyers what they don't want in the garden and taking it/them with me. I had a lovely selection of dwarf conifers in my last front garden which were dug up by the new owners and dumped! They also removed all but a tiny bit of the contorted growth on my contorted hazel .... I had arranged with them to return and take it in the autumn. Thankfully the tiny bit has survived and formed a beautiful bush ... it was special to me because it was the last plant my late husband and I had planted together.
(I shall take loads of cuttings in preparation too, Lol)
19 May, 2013
I agree too - I spent years training a pyracantha to cover an ugly wall and a few weeks ago went past the house and it had been completely removed, and so had another pyracantha on the drive. Its a good thing I couldn't see into the back garden! I know the pond had been filled in for a start, as was the pond at the house we had before that. And now we haven't got one - can't think where to put it!
22 May, 2013
Don't Stera, it looks like we might have to move and it will break my heart to leave my garden which we started from scratch. Good job lots of things are in containers and I can do the same for some really precious plants. I just know nobody will love it as much as me.
23 May, 2013
I have started digging up plants that are precious to me. I started a week ago, putting everything into pots, roses wrapped in news paper.
So far all look ok, fingers cross.
This will be the third time i have had to leave a garden that we have loved. its tough.
23 May, 2013
Hope this helps, a number of years back i moved a lot of established shrubs for a client, ceanothus, rhodis Hebe,Roses Choisyia, spirea etc, it was mid june and very hot, totally wrong time to move them, but we had the new holes prepared in advance, most were put into plastic trugs, with damp compost the roses we wrapped the roots in soaked newspaper, we never lost any of them they all did well, the roses were the big surprize as i thought they would not cope, but after a while of looking and feeling sorry for themselves basically they were flagging for some time, they came back and to this day are great performers.
17 May, 2013