By Daveray
United Kingdom
Is this a Wild Cherry tree? It has never produced fruit before so I am hoping it is a cherry tree!

20 Jun, 2013
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cherry blossom
Don't bird cherries grow from a stem - the leftover of the little candles? This looks like an eating cherry spray, but the cherries are so very small. Its a puzzle. Wait until one is ripe and try eating it. Its certainly a cherry of some sort!
20 Jun, 2013
It's the wild one, (prunus avium, gean or mazzard), and the cherries look the right colour, although a little small/dried. Still, all this irrelevant as the only ones to eat them will be the blackbirds, so never mind! If it's a young tree, sometimes the fruits aren't well formed, and there will always be small ones that fall early, unripened. Steragram, you're right, bird cherry fruits are several to a small flower spike, (dark and bitter too)
20 Jun, 2013
But, Steragram, the fruits do make a sort of spray, even though the flowers stand upright - the weight of the cherries pulls 'em down.
20 Jun, 2013
Disappointing for Dave then.
20 Jun, 2013
But good for the birds!
21 Jun, 2013
Just realised where I was confused - didn't realise there is a difference between wild cherry and bird cherry. I was thinking bird, and the pic is wild.
I like your avatar.
21 Jun, 2013
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Would have been much easier to say yes or no if you'd posted a pic of the flowers - Prunus padus, or bird cherry, or wild cherry, has flowers like little candles of blossom which stand up into the air. Its cherries should turn black and be about pea sized with a single stone -they are not pleasant to eat, but are sometimes used to make preserves.
20 Jun, 2013