By Monjardinlra
I have a flowering cherry which has occasioned me much thought (it flowers briefly, then in the autumn it has nice leaves, briefly,period) so it didn't seem worth the space.
However perhaps I shouldn't have bad-mouthed it as this year some of the leaves on all branches (the lower ones) are dying. Can I do anything to help it? (the tree is probably 9 or ten years old) If a photo would help in identifying, I could take one. It has lichen on the trunk but this is normal for trees here, however there do seem to be some bobbles on the branches. It's a seedling apparently from a neighbour's tree.
17 Jun, 2013
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cherry blossom
Seedlings can be so variable, some make fantastic trees, better than the parent, some make poor specimens, if you have one of those and it troubles you then have it out......just be sure its not the awful weather, see if similar trees, the neighbours for example, are doing well then you can compare it you yours before you decide
17 Jun, 2013
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Definitely add a photo to this question.
Makes it so much easier for members to help.
17 Jun, 2013