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I have a Prunus Flowering Cherry tree in my garden. However this year it has not flowered and we are at 10th May. Usually it is in full double flowers about the 3rd week in April. It has small buds but no leaves. It is about 18 years old. Do you think it is dead?



Where are you in the UK, in tbe midlands its coming now after the warm weekend.I was up in Northumberland last weekend and hardly no sign of leaves on trees

10 May, 2013


My Cherry trees have been blooming for 2 weeks...

If it has buds then it is not dead, plants are a good 4 weeks behind this year. Keep it watered.

10 May, 2013


Yes as Kidermorie has said ours also have been in smashing bloom this year, the pink is all finshed ref flowers and the white looks really nice, But both are abour 4 weeks later than last year.

Just a point,
Do you give your tree and good manure feed each spring?

I do approx a wheelbarrow full of horse manure just tipped and spread on top of the soil,

It's a really good slow acting feed.

10 May, 2013


I give all my trees and shrubs a handful of a balanced fertiliser like gromore, good as manure is its not practical to pile it on my lawn dungy. :0)

11 May, 2013


Hi pamg,
I have circles around all my trees including the fruit as i find this looks really nice with verious spring bulbs coming through at this time of year "but" it makes keeping the tree both fed and mulched,
I dont have any problems ref what ginger42 is having,
tree's hedges etc are offten forgotten about when it comes to feeding and its because of lack of feed that these sort of problems come about hence i do the circle around the tree's base to ensure i get the best out of the tree's bloom & the base area full of bloom,
I use the metal rim of an old cart wheel to cut the circle shape out but an hose pipe made into a circle can do the same job.
Nice talking to you pamg.

11 May, 2013


Cherries seem to be quite shallow rooted trees and prone to suckering where their roots are damaged. My partner has wild cherries in his garden, which have grown from pips dropped by wildlife. They drive me mad because their roots are so extensive and easily damaged by the mower's blades or garden fork. As far as possible I have created small beds round them to avoid further damage. They are a picture in Spring, but don't get fed at all, they have far too much verve for life as it is!!!

11 May, 2013

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