April blossom..... dancing in the sunshine...
By Terratoonie

27 Apr, 2009
My favourite flowering tree in my front garden ~
Prunus Okumiyako
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Jacque.
We would like those blue skies to return quite soon, wouldn't we. Lol.
27 Apr, 2009
Looks wonderful..............
27 Apr, 2009
Thankssssssssssss Holly.
Have I done that the cute way you spell it ? Lol.
27 Apr, 2009
Hhahahh yes you have lol.................
27 Apr, 2009
27 Apr, 2009
Thank you Mageth.
It's my favourite blossom :o)
27 Apr, 2009
O Yes TT nothing Beats A Blue Sky so it better hurry back :)
27 Apr, 2009
used to have one in the back garden but our old cat scratched it so much he ring barked it so we had to remove it, really miss it
27 Apr, 2009
Lol, Jacque ~
Come back blue skies.. pleeeease...
Mageth ~
Could you plant another tree and protect it somehow ?
27 Apr, 2009
its beautiful TT, so soft looking
27 Apr, 2009
Hi Sanbaz ~
I adore this blossom...
27 Apr, 2009
it got canker as well so we didnt think we could plant in the same spot, could we?
27 Apr, 2009
we have alot of blossom along the roads near us and it always looks so beautiful, shame the wind blows them away,, if they could only last all summer :o)
27 Apr, 2009
On my home page it sais
" Terratoonie added 2 photos " - so where's the other one ? I'm not happy about being done out of a photo. lol :o) It might have Conker or Truffle in it :o)
But probably the computer can't count. lol
Oh by the way I like your tree and the lovely blue sky TT. Maybe we'll have more soon.
27 Apr, 2009
Sanbaz ~ :o)
Mageth ~
I guess you would have to replace a lot of soil in that area.
Did your tree die a few years ago?
Were you able to dig up all the roots ?
27 Apr, 2009
Hello Hywel,
My instant response was to say my previous photo of Clematis Frances Rivis, but you've seen that....
I did have two attempts at getting this photo on GoY, so maybe that's the reason. The latest one of Conker is my back garden photo...
Glad you like my tree and blue sky.... raining now to water the tree.. Lol.
27 Apr, 2009
stopped raining here in blackpool TT,, SORRY
27 Apr, 2009
we dug it up about 5 years ago but i still find rotting roots in the border, so havnt liked to put anything in. never mind, got a new cat now who uses my dining room table and chairs!
27 Apr, 2009
That must be the reason TT. It sais you added two today. Never mind. The one you've added is a lovely photo.
I had a nice tree in the old garden. It had small pale blossoms on it in early spring and they looked so delicate with a blue background.. I miss that tree but it would have been too big for here. How tall is the one in your photo ?
27 Apr, 2009
This tree is only a baby ~
about 8 feet high.
In previous gardens I've owned, I've planted the same type of Prunus.
It does grow larger, but I guess you can prune a prunus. Lol.
27 Apr, 2009
Stunning picture TT - there is something really special about Spring don't you think ? !!
27 Apr, 2009
Lol. Mageth ~
New cat likes indoor ring barking...
If you still find rotting roots, not a good idea to plant another..
27 Apr, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
Yes, spring is so very special....
If I had a huge garden, I'd put in more blossoming trees...
27 Apr, 2009
I also love it when the wind blows and there are blossom petals flying everywhere - gorgeous
27 Apr, 2009
yes it does look lovely terry but when they are gone i miss the tree`s looking so pretty
27 Apr, 2009
This tree grows pretty leaves after the blossom fades...
.. you can see them starting to grow on the branches...
27 Apr, 2009
very pretty TT..lovely Photo.......
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Deida ( and Percy ) :o)
27 Apr, 2009
You've beaten me to it TT, was going to put one on of our Cherry.
27 Apr, 2009
I hope you put on a pic. of your cherry blossom, too, Pamd. :o)
27 Apr, 2009
Oh beautiful TT.............
27 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Milky :o)
27 Apr, 2009
Stunning blossom against the blue sky........
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks, BB.
Let's hope the blue skies are back soon :o)
27 Apr, 2009
Blue skies shining on me :) It looks great TT.
28 Apr, 2009
How did I miss this yesterday when I really needed blue skies? Lovely blossom, TT. Today started out blue but seems to be clouding over.
28 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Tasteyg and Gee :o)
Grey skies today, but blue promised for tomorrow....
28 Apr, 2009
Stunning Terra especially against the lovely blue sky,
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks Pansypotter....
The sky was really blue that day, with just those tiny wisps of white cloud you can see top centre of the photo...
28 Apr, 2009
Pretty & the sky looks nice & blue.
28 Apr, 2009
Hello Clarice ~
I like your Harrogate show photos.
I hope you enjoyed some blue sky while you were there ...
looks like it was cloudy but dry ? :o)
28 Apr, 2009
How beautiful , so delicate ....:o)
28 Apr, 2009
Hi Amy ~
This blossom does seem very delicate... you're right... good word to describe it...:o)
28 Apr, 2009
very pretty!
28 Apr, 2009
Beautiful blossom TT and a great photo...
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks Arlene and Janette...
Sunny again today, so I hope you enjoy being outside in your gardens :o)
29 Apr, 2009
We have had a beautiful day here too, TT but it did get up to 86 degrees...your picture is beautiful....that camera does a great job, huh? Even the buds on the tree seem to add a lot of interest...
29 Apr, 2009
Thank you, Skippy...
Getting more used to the camera... :o)
1 May, 2009
Just magical....blue sky and pink blossom. Good shot new camera?
1 May, 2009
This lovely cherry is now known as 'Shogetsu' (there's a little ^ over the o but I did not know how to put it in). So say Hillier's Manual of Trees and Shrubs, anyway. Who decides these things ......
2 May, 2009
Yes, this is a super cherry isn't it Vincent...
On the label the main name is given as Okumiyako ....
Shogetsu is listed as an alternative name.
I've always known this variety of tree as Miyako ~
Confusing when the names are changed ~
It's a lovely blossom, whatever we call it. LOL.
2 May, 2009
Hello Dd2 ~
Yes, I'm also a big fan of blue skies and blossom...
I've been practising with my digital camera recently !
Gradually getting used to it.... Lol.
2 May, 2009
Beautiful photo of the blossom & sky.
3 May, 2009
Hi Sunblest ~
Thanks for visiting my photo.
Let's hope we have lots more blue skies this summer... :o)
3 May, 2009
Beautiful TT, late finding it as I have been laid up for the best part of the past 2 weeks with 'flu! Looking at my homepage, I don't have a chance of catching up with all the goings on!
3 May, 2009
Hello Pottygardener ~
I hope you're feeling better now...
I have some problems here making it difficult to concentrate on computer for long.... hope to be back soon...
4 May, 2009
Blue sky in Hawaii, nooooo in good old UK no less, A-1 pic.
4 May, 2009
It really looks beautiful at this stage when half of the flowers are still buds with promise of blooms to come.
5 May, 2009
Thanks Doon ~
Blue sky in the good old UK is something really special... Lol...
Hi Flcrazy ~
Yes, I like blossom at the parts-in-buds stage.
I photographed my Clematis Armandii in a similar way with buds, a few pictures back...
5 May, 2009
Great photo TT, makes you feel good, looking forward to lots of sunshine.
5 May, 2009
Hello Drbob ~
I like your new avatar photo :o)
Yes, let's hope we have some warm sunshine to make us all feel better...
5 May, 2009
very pretty against the sky, lovely
8 May, 2009
More blue skies due for this weekend :o)
8 May, 2009
Same here, Tt, but a few rainshowers thrown in for good measure! :-)
9 May, 2009
Hi David ~
That sounds like ideal growing weather...
Your garden will be sprouting lots of new chocolate bars....Lol.
9 May, 2009
Stunning pic. Wish I'd thought of laying under ours to take a piccy when it was full of blossom, my background detracts from the beauty of the blooms. The sky behind really shows them off.
12 May, 2009
Thanks Greenfingers ~
There are lots of flowers and rocks under this pretty tree...
I had to get into a very strange position to photograph the blossom from underneath...
....I'm not sure what the neighbours thought I was doing... maybe some kind of weird keep fit exercise.. Lol...
12 May, 2009
beautiful pic not sure what plant it is in my photo but will have a look through my books and find out for you thanks.
17 May, 2009
Thanks, Jewells.
I'm glad you like this pic.
We need some warm sunshine again... :o)
17 May, 2009
This photo really cheered me up.Earlier today I was in the conservatory watching the wind and rain batter the garden,stopping me from going out to play.My hands were jammed in my pockets,my shoulders were hunched up, my mouth was down at the corners and my eyebrows were down almost covering my eyes. Then I went on GOY, saw this pic and everything looked brighter and full of promise. Thanks TT.
17 May, 2009
Hello Hameryllis ~
Blue skies and sunny days will be with us again soon...
... I'm pleased this pic cheered you up. :o)
I hope your eyebrows are back in place now. Lol.
17 May, 2009
gorgeous pic......great tree, such a soft colour, what's it's autumn colour like ?
18 May, 2009
Hi Lil ~ Thanks...
I think the leaves go deep gold in Autumn..
I promise to check for you later this year ! :o)
18 May, 2009
20 May, 2009
Thanks. I guess you get lots more blue skies than we do in Britain... Lol.
20 May, 2009
Very pretty lovely colour too
11 Jun, 2009
Yes, I love this blossom... :o)
11 Jun, 2009
A photo to come back to in November when Spring's a long way off!
10 Aug, 2009
Yes, the thought of spring blossom and flowers cheers us through the dull November days.. :o)
10 Aug, 2009
Ahrr yes I had seen it, its lovely isnt it I can see why its your favourite. lovely blossoms.
1 Dec, 2009
Thanks..... it is even better when seen "for real" :o)
1 Dec, 2009
I can believe that as some of my photos don't show how some pictures really look, do you live north or south of uk?
1 Dec, 2009
Sort of in the middle...Lol.
1 Dec, 2009
Like me then as it does effect how soon things blossom in the months, I live in Warwichshire county not town.
1 Dec, 2009
this is lovely, cheered me up a bit in vile January. : )
3 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Weeding.. :o)
2 Feb, 2010
What a lovely picture. beautiful tree!!
9 Jun, 2010
Thanks Queeny :o)
9 Jun, 2010
beautiful contrast.
21 Jun, 2013
Hi Jane...
thank you :o)))
21 Jun, 2013
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Gorgeous Pic TT :)
27 Apr, 2009