By Karensusan63
Anyone know what this is? flowering in June...

7 Feb, 2010
it almost looks like an erythronium except it blooms at the wrong time.
7 Feb, 2010
I was thinking Clematis, possibly something like Sir Trevor Lawrence? and flowers mid summer to Autumn.
7 Feb, 2010
the leaf clasping around the stem doesnt look like a clematis though.
how big is the flower. what is its growth habit?
7 Feb, 2010
Looks like a herbaceous clematis to me
7 Feb, 2010
Looks like an aquilegia to me - I had a lot of single ones last year, it often happens when they hybridise. The leaf on the stem looks right too.
7 Feb, 2010
Is it Passiflora antioquiensis ?
7 Feb, 2010
Looks more like a Clematis macropetala type to me.....the leaf too.
7 Feb, 2010
I still think its a type of Clematis.
8 Feb, 2010
A cultivar of the herbaceous Clematis integrifolia is my best guess.
8 Feb, 2010
I'm going to check it out're usually right...:o)))
8 Feb, 2010
Definitely a Clematis....probably Clematis Hendryetta it and see...:o)
8 Feb, 2010
Hello everyone! Thanks for all your guesses, but it's definitely not a clematis! believe me, I have over 80 of them, I would have sussed it! I think the erythronium suggestion was more on track. It looked more like a bulb to me. It was only about 12- 18 " tall, with lily like leaves I think and just the one nodding flower.
8 Feb, 2010
Well....what a surprise Karen.......but still no answer?
8 Feb, 2010
I'm still sure it's an Aquilegia - I have some singles like this in my garden. It has the little break points on the stem where the next flower will form. I'll post a picture of a pale pink/green one I have.
8 Feb, 2010
Hi Wagger, I don't think it can be an aquilegia as the flower was about 3" across, but thanks! If you have an aquiliegia like this can you please send me some seed!!
9 Feb, 2010
Are the leaves mottled with brown Karen?
9 Feb, 2010
Now that I can't tell you Janey, I can't remember...sorry!
9 Feb, 2010
I stand corrected - nothing to relate the scale to - the mystery deepens.
9 Feb, 2010
Think Wylieintheeast has it....have a look at Harvingtons Erythroniums Karen.
9 Feb, 2010
Leaf looks all wrong to be Erythronium to me, I'm also not aware that any cultivars flower in June ?
Plus...don't they completely die down and disappear well before summer ?
9 Feb, 2010
9 Feb, 2010
Similar flower to a Dodecatheon meadia .......but they are multi headed...........
9 Feb, 2010
Yes bluespruce, I think it is too large for erythronium but bear in mind that flowers can be very late up here. I have narcissi flowering at the end of May every year! However, I have contacted the garden itself and asked them to identify. I will let you all know what the outcome is...if any! The photo doesn't have a background that gives us any help either so it's not easy!
9 Feb, 2010
OK,friends, this is the email I received today from Steve McNamara, head gardener at Branklyn Gardens, Perth where I took the picture last June....
Your photo is a bit close, so I am not sure about the height of the plant but I think this is a plant called Semiaquilegia ecalcarata. As you can guess the plant looks like an aquilegia but without the spurs on the flower. It is native to W. China and grows in woodland conditions. You may be able to get seed from supplier or a plant from a good nursery.
Kind of him wasn't it? WELL DONE WAGGER!!! you were almost spot on!
11 Feb, 2010
Well, thank you Karensusan63 but I wasn't really right was I? I certainly didn't think of a Semiaquilegia - the colour of this one is so rich. I can't remember if mine has spurs on the back or not, I'll have to look later this year. Anyway, I will accept your 'well done' with a little blush, LOL
11 Feb, 2010
I'm glad this has been identified now :-)))
It's certainly a lovely flower !
11 Feb, 2010
Yes me too........good to know at last, but enjoyed all the puzzling out...:o)
11 Feb, 2010
Looks like a cross between an Aquilegia and a Clematis !
Can't wait for a proper identification !
7 Feb, 2010