By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Testing photo resize apps for ipad.
Just downloaded a couple of the free apps.... These are the results. The first pic is straight off the ipad it weighs in at 3MB 1936x2592 pixels.
Middle pic was reduced using AutoResize comes in at under 300KB 560x750 pixels.
Third pic is reduced using Minima down to 1MB 1162x1556 pixels. This app is free but you have to pay 69p for the extra bit to get rid of the watermark in the bottom left corner
17 Aug, 2013
Hi Urbanite, number 1 sideways, 2 & 3 right way up, quality looks fine, Derek.
17 Aug, 2013
Number 1 straight from ipad! See earlier posts about fallen over portraits!
17 Aug, 2013
They seem fine to me on a PC monitor.
17 Aug, 2013
1 is sideways 2 and 3 are fine on my MacBook Pro
17 Aug, 2013
Weird innit ?
17 Aug, 2013
The middle on is better quality than the third one on my PC monitor. Looks as though you've cracked it Urbanite!
17 Aug, 2013
What I meant was that the quality seems fine for all of them. First one is sideways, other two correct orientation.
17 Aug, 2013
Middle one is the sharpest quality I think, on laptop, with my specs on :)
17 Aug, 2013
Well that's interesting! The lowest quality image seems to get the thumbs up!
So the answer is to do a quick resize using one of the free apps. The two I tried were Auto Resize, by Qingqi Tong, which does not come with any instructions but once you've worked it out is easy enough. this was the slowest at resizing and had q quite unpleasant design (sludgy orange screen and pop-up offers to get past)
The other was Minima, by Daniel. V.W., very easy, has two or three standard settings, leaves the watermark in the corner which could be useful for quickly finding the copies. Settings are under the little cogwheel in bottom corner. App uses the settings until you change them so you will always get the same size image.
I tried a 3rd app but it's only free on a trial basis, the n quite expensive at £2.49 (which is expensive for an app but not in the grand scheme of things). This was Photo Scale by Courtney & Co. also very easy to use and enlarges images as well (though I didn't try that)
There are plenty of others - I did a search on the App Store for image resize and then clicked on the Price tab for free. Worth trying a couple to find what suits you before you pay for one.
As an added bonus, adjusting the image size seems to resolve the issue of rotating images on this forum.
17 Aug, 2013
Amazing all this technology members have.
Clever lot they are.
18 Aug, 2013
Thanks Diane - it was raining and working that out stopped me from going out and being tempted into buying things for the garden that I haven't got yet!
18 Aug, 2013
The 3 pics all look the same to me on this Ipad. Thank you for your help. I will do as you say & download a free app. & see how I get on.Will be nice if I also solve the rotating pic thing.
18 Aug, 2013
So looking at these three on an ipad, there doesn't seem to be too much between them. Perhaps someone looking on a fullsize monitor would like to comment on the quality.
17 Aug, 2013