By Gmhced
United Kingdom
I want to tie a common honeysuckle plant to an arch in my garden. Should I cut it back first?
21 Aug, 2013
Welcome to the site. I have lots of wild honeysuckle which insists on being ground cover rather than climbing! It gets cuts back ruthlessly and tied in and might one day do what I want. Others took a while to climb the supports, but now coat it nicely.
21 Aug, 2013
Hi, and welcome to g o y, that would depend on the size of the plant, if it's a new plant it wont need pruning, but if it's 1 you've had for a while and is quite large, then I would probably cut it back a bit, just to make it easier to fasten it to the arch, it will quite quickly grow back again and cover the arch, Derek.
21 Aug, 2013