By Cazoo1
United Kingdom
Hi last September I sent a photo of the most glorious Orchid in full flower. We enjoyed it for many months, when the flowers died I cut the stem back to the base. Here we are now in February and there are no signs that it might ever flower you think it will?? Maybe you have some tips to encourage it into flower once more. LOL
21 Feb, 2010
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orchid plants
As I am no expert...I can only say it is the sort sold in many supermarkets. I did post a photo but I am not sure how you would access it. But thanks for the reply anyway.
21 Feb, 2010
Take it into a room that's about 5 degrees cooler that its normal temperature, and leave it there for about 3 weeks. This 'shock' treatmnt often spurs these orchids into producing a new stem. Good luck!
I suspect it's a Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid).
21 Feb, 2010
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What sort of orchid is it? Can't help thinking that if it is a Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid), you will have reduced potential flowers by cutting the flower stem back as quite often they will send new side shoots of flowers off the old stem.
Really need to know the type of orchid though (as there are so many), different conditions are needed for some.
21 Feb, 2010