By Gateshead
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I have just used an electric lawn rake for the first time and even on the highest setting I'm left with bare patches of slippy mud and the lawn looks mashed up. has anyone used these before and how long before it looks like a lawn again ( if ever ! ) I'm quite shocked at the mess I've made
13 Oct, 2013
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Meant to say don't worry it always comes back.
13 Oct, 2013
Never heard of an electric lawn raker but I have de-thatched my lawn using a manual lawn and have thought what a mess. It does look better after time!
13 Oct, 2013
Best thing to do now is to give it a mow then sprinkle grass seed all over the lawn.
It'll be amaizing in a few weeks time.
14 Oct, 2013
Thank you for the reassurance ! it helps to know others have also done similar and thought what a mess, and good to hear no lasting damage done. I think Roy is right that the soil was maybe too wet. ps it removed loads of dead stuff
14 Oct, 2013
Don't worry. It will be back to normal in 3-4 weeks . I'd be tempted to put down some fresh grass seed on any particularly bad bare patches. this should germinate in 7 -9 days.
14 Oct, 2013
I used a heavy duty scarifier on my own lawn last week and I was horrified by the results but I'm confident the grass will be looking good in 3-4 weeks
14 Oct, 2013
Just to re-iterate...grass seeds should do the trick but it might take more than a few weeks as it did on my bare patches caused by some gardening tool!
14 Oct, 2013
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Hi Gateshead I've used one a couple of times I don't think it's a good idea to do it when it's wet. I've only done it when it was dry to remove moss and when I'd finished I thought what have I done, it was a complete mess and I'd pulled out quite a few wheelbarrow loads. It looked dreadful for a few days and gradually came back looking brilliant , like this summer we had a hot period and our lawn was yellow and crisp now its really lush. Roy.
13 Oct, 2013