Shetland Sheepdog vacuuming the lawn
By Terratoonie

27 Aug, 2008
As autumn approaches, my Sheltie, 'Conker', helps to tidy up by vacuuming the leaves from the lawn. He is available for hire, but might charge exorbitant rates per hour, and would expect regular breaks for biscuits.
Special reduced prices for all GoY members.
Comments on this photo
Conker says, thank you, Michaella.
27 Aug, 2008
Beutiful dog! I see you figured out the photo thing, so just ignore the message I sent you!
27 Aug, 2008
lovely dog bet you are proud of him/her. nice picture
27 Aug, 2008
Oh, he's really beautiful TT, gorgeous coat, what a lovely pic!
27 Aug, 2008
hi TT
yes i have a dog a black lab nearly 5 years old. she goes every where with me and she watches my rods when i'm fishing. when i have a trout on she retrieves it from the water. after four years of training she still doesnt obey me. got a mind of her own i guess. apart from fishing she likes chasing rabbits on the moors.have put her pic up on my photo's
27 Aug, 2008
Well, Islander, I reckon your dog could help you with the sole and (h)eel fishing you've volunteered to compete in for the Wellie Olympics on my first blog LOL
On your photos,she looks lovely standing at the water's edge.
28 Aug, 2008
Thanks, Gillian and Janey for your advice when I was struggling to resize my photo to put on my homepage.
Yes it took me ages to work out how to get the picture accepted by GOY.
When I have another SPARE THREE HOURS I'll load up another photo LOL
28 Aug, 2008
Lovely dog! wish I could train Polly to help out LOL, she does do abit of digging especially in the lawn! With regards to Sparrow Hawks, yes we have had them around and unfortunately one did manage to kill a dove, it was very upsetting as the dove flew into the conservatory window leaving a full impression wings outstretched. I raced outside just in time to see the Hawk flying off, the poor Dove was lying headless on the floor. Sorry to relate such a gruesome story. There is not much you can do to prevent this happening but I do try to be vigilant whilst they are feeding. x Pansypotter
28 Aug, 2008
Beautiful Dog Terratoonie and welcome to GOY!
28 Aug, 2008
Pansypotter, I'm so pleased you like my little helper. Being a Sheltie, he thrives on stimulation, such as doing tricks.
It sounds like Polly is doing her bit with the digging.
Does she do double-digging? That's quite an art!
Re. Collared doves;
I suppose everything has a positive side, and in my garden it seems that while the Sparrow hawks are looking for a nice fat meal of a dove, they don't seem to be pestering the smaller birds -which would be just small snacks - not worth the effort! LOL
It's a good thing that Collared doves seem plentiful.
Most pairs have several sets of baby doves each summer.
Thanks for posting here.
28 Aug, 2008
Thanks for your welcome from Washington.
I'm glad you like Conker.
Today he was practising his gardening theme tricks on my lawns.
He has his own little mower - which I imported especially from the USA - you can't get suitable ones in GB.
It had to be a proper Sheltie-style mower for Conker. LOL
28 Aug, 2008
Conker is so clever and beautiful too. Our dog Scooby would run a mile frightened of vacs and mobs complete wuss takes after his name sake mind you scooby snacks don't have the same effect which is a shame lol. By the way welcome.
29 Aug, 2008
With autum on it's way you coud be on to a gold mine.
29 Aug, 2008
Conker could earn some useful income to help with the credit crunch...
...unless he crunches up too many biscuits and eats all the profits. LOL
29 Aug, 2008
I'm so pleased you like Conker.
He would get on well with Scooby,
your German Shepherd Dog.
29 Aug, 2008
I could do with some help in my gardens, so if he's looking for a job?
29 Aug, 2008
Oh, YES PLEASE, Philip.
Conker would enjoy helping you with your garden jobs.
Both my dogs perform complete gardening routines at charity dog shows -
see About Me on my page : Conker's attempts at mowing in straight lines - LOL
In my 'avatar' photo, my Welsh Terrier, whose name is 'Bonsai' is pushing his little wheelbarrow full of toy garden tools.
Conker likes tidying. He can stack 6 plastic saucers inside each other, and he then places them in a flower pot and parades around with the whole lot.
So, Philip, Conker would certainly tidy up for you and he has his own plastic rake, plastic spade, toy tape measure, and watering can.
Being a Shetland Sheepdog, he likes to work FAST.
How's that for a Sheltie CV? Is he hired ?
29 Aug, 2008
You have obviously decided to train 'Conker' and 'Bonsai' as an Animal GroundForce maintenance team.
That is genius, mind you I should imagine you must spend a fortune on treats and dog biscuits. Hey but then you think of the savings on Tea-bags and Milk!
Thanks for the comment on my cat - Blue - it was a Bird Table - when originally delivered but the cats seem to like sleeping in it. Which unfortunately puts the birds off.
29 Aug, 2008
Good idea, Brian !
If we are the Ground Force, team, I reckon my Welsh Terrier is Tommy, and my Sheltie is Alan Titchmarsh.
And I guess that means I get the Charlie Dimmock role. LOL
In June 2008 a charity dog show was held near you, Brian, at Saffron Walden County High School, in aid of the school farm. Maybe you know about this excellent scheme, where the youngsters learn lots about growing many types of vegetable, collecting eggs from chickens, etc.
My Welsh Terrier, 'Bonsai' won the trick class with his gardening routine called 'Helping out at the school farm' - judged by the Mayor ! Bonsai's performances included some of the tricks mentioned earlier, plus saying his prayers for the school farm animals, measuring out the plot with his tape measure, ready to sow seeds, and towing a worm-on-wheels to the compost heap. LOL
30 Aug, 2008
Wouldn't It Be Good If He Could Cut The Grass?
30 Aug, 2008
TT Hi ,I'm sure Scooby would get on great with Conker and he could teach him a trick or too, Scooby is very bright but just can't get fetching sometimes i think he thinks he's a cat he comes to puss puss any way bless.
Brian I agree ground force eat your heart out nothing on Conker and Bonsai.
Well done for all of the charity work i work full time for one myself very rewarding. I bet the children loved watching them. Big gold star for you and your fury friends.
30 Aug, 2008
Hi. Delbert.
I think if I want to give up cutting the grass I'll need to hire a goat.
Conker the Sheltie is getting better at steering his toy mower, but we still get more crop circles than straight lines. LOL
31 Aug, 2008
If my dogs are the Ground Force team, then Scooby can play the part of the surprised owner of the garden who comes home at the end of the TV show....
and sees how we've totally wrecked his garden. LOL
Yes, all the dog shows are in aid of very good charitable causes.
31 Aug, 2008
Sounds good to me and i'm sure they'd do a lovely job lol
2 Sep, 2008
Does Conker expect a 45ft trailer with air conditioning, mini-bar and 24 hr maid and security service at these events ?
If not, why not ??!! :-) He's a star !
2 Sep, 2008
Conker has seen your green photo silhouette, Cluelesskev, and would like to hire you for the security service bit.
2 Sep, 2008 know.......;-)
You been speaking to Crystaltips ?
2 Sep, 2008
Terratoonie doesn't need any help from Crystaltips to suss (or should that be sas: S.A.S) you out!! tee hee hee
2 Sep, 2008
I can,t get this strange picture of a worm being towed to a compost heap on wheels , maybe I dreamt it .LOL
3 Sep, 2008
I'm not set up to do much photography right now, but if I can, I'll try to get a picture of the worm-on-wheels.
I wouldn't want your thinking you were having strange dreams. LOL
3 Sep, 2008
You got that one right Crystaltips! I have now dubbed her "loonietooney"!
4 Sep, 2008
3 photos TT you spoil us . Love to Conker from Bonkers what a team we d make.Mind you might make Mary parrot jealous.Jane has taught her to include the word ' mad ' when talking to me! I now get hello mad daddy - shut up mad daddy etc .
5 Sep, 2008
BB ~ The terrier pushing the wheel barrow on my 'icon' photo is called Bonsai, so together with Conker the Sheltie, that makes Bonkers, too...
sort of canine version of Bonkers, I guess.
Jane sounds like a good 'mad' parrot-trainer.
Did you notice I christened Jane as Bonkersbonne. ...
I'm currently preparing myself emotionally to upload a FOURTH photo next week. I might need to book in for some GoY therapy sessions afterwards.
5 Sep, 2008
Aye she did thanks TT but feels a combination of bonkers perhaps a little too much even for this tolerant site.
5 Sep, 2008
love it! lol... what a nice looking dog :)
6 Sep, 2008
awwww bless, it puts a new meaning of helping around the house lol. lovely dogs :o), mine is called Pebbles. Whats yours called?
8 Sep, 2008
Valandra ~
The Sheltie's name is Conker.
Your dog, Pebbles is so cute.
Funny, those names being similar in that
conkers and pebbles are sort of the same shape !
My Conker is on the other photo, too, sitting next to the model dog.
8 Sep, 2008
You are very clever Conker
woof Percy
9 Sep, 2008
Percy ~
Conker just said hi to you under the other photo !
9 Sep, 2008
beautiful collie, and so clever too. The Conkers have just started to fall from the trees. Picked one up yesterday. SHe has got those browny tones hasn't she.
2 Oct, 2008
Lindak ~
We were making comments to each other at the same time!
I've just left a message under your cat in a basket !
There's a story to how Conker got his name. Rather long, so maybe I'll put it in a blog over the winter!
2 Oct, 2008
did you see the message about looking at the video mentioned on my mouse picture. (Starring Twinkle.)
3 Oct, 2008
Linda ~
Sorry I did forget to look. Had lots of bathroom leak plumbing emergencies this week, and then went back to clicking photos I like instead of clicking on your video!
It's a good poem and footage. I especially like the part where Twinkle is drinking from the tap, but the spare water falls in the can. No wastage!
3 Oct, 2008
OMG...............amazing.........your dogs a beautiful...........
15 Nov, 2008
Thank you Southernwoman ~
Conker the Sheltie does far more vacuuming than I do. Lol :o)
15 Nov, 2008
Such talent Conker has, never tried the vacuum thing? I just do not think the boss would let me do this with her Electolux! Maybe the central vac.
4 Dec, 2008
Conker does far more housework than I do.
Lately he's been practising his cleaning trolley routine, where he tows a trolley then stacks up all the buckets and brushes on board.
That done, he fetches the long brush and sweeps all around. Thanks for Conker my house and lawns are really clean and shiny. :o)
4 Dec, 2008
That is so cute terratoonie. what a (bone us) to your family.
5 Dec, 2008
I'm glad you like it.
Lots of leaves on my lawns right now.
Maybe Conker could vacuum those. Lol. :o)
5 Dec, 2008
Well you a lot nicer neighbour than I am. I get out my blower soon as I see my neighbour leave for the day to work then blow them back to his lot. Just pulling your leg I bag them up for recycling.
6 Dec, 2008
Conker has been practising with a new trick where he presses a switch with his foot. What he doesn't know ~ SSShhhh ~ is that at Christmas his present will be fixed on to this, so that the switch actually turns on his Xmas gift. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
You are a wonderful pet owner. Pets need more people like you . I see things I do not wish to. I know Conker loves you dearly and will really appreciate what you do. Does Conker ever tire of pushing that barrow? Where did the name originate? Conker Never seems to Conk out! lol There is a new ad on the TV with a dog pressing a foot switch that is connected to a fan. I will not go into detail but now when I see that ad I will think of him. Rob
6 Dec, 2008
You obviously have a good understanding of animals and their behaviour because you ask all the right questions. I've learnt that each dog needs to be trained differently. Never teach for too long in one session.. Know when to stop. The way Conker got his name is a weird tale which would take too long to tell here.
Next year, I'll write a blog on Conker doing tricks in the garden, and I'll put in the story about how he got his name. It was meant to be......
6 Dec, 2008
Thanks terratoonie I will wait for that blog. Now is the story where your username originated from as long? You do not have to answer that right away as I have to get on with my day s I will be away. Thank you for the compliment about my understanding of animals. I have had a few to share my life with. Ta ta for now GOY friend. Rob
6 Dec, 2008
I wish I have a dog like this one here...
7 Dec, 2008
Conker the Sheltie will do all your garden work for you.
There are other photos of my dogs with toy lawn mowers. :o)
7 Dec, 2008
Lovely dog! If he is ever in the States, he can come do my yard. I have lots of fresh made liver treats!
20 May, 2009
Conker would have great fun steering his vacuum cleaner around your yard.. Lol. The treats sound good !!!
20 May, 2009
Terratoonie,you are very happy with this dog.I love him!
16 Jul, 2009
Hello Mihaella ~
I'm pleased you like my dog, Conker.
He helps me in the garden. :o)
16 Jul, 2009
what a beauty of a dog and so well groomed a credit to you terratoonie,bet conker,s coat just floats like a butterfly in the wind ----xxx
17 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Vineman...
If you see my recent blogs : Conker's Garden Centre Outing, and Conker at Charity Dog Shows, it explains how, sadly, he has been suffering from Cancer, and had weekly chemotherapy for most of last year... His hair is very thin right now, but just starting to grow back. :o) xxx
17 Jan, 2010
So there really is GOY page for walls!!! At least my pidgeon is in with Conker hoovering, I don't feel so silly now :-)))))))))))
2 Jul, 2010
A pigeon with the moon, a dog vacuuming...
all ideal for GoYpedia Walls ;o)
2 Jul, 2010
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lovely dog!
27 Aug, 2008