By Lyndella
United Kingdom
ive never had any birds in this too near the ground?
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birds page

19 Mar, 2010
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All noseypotter says is correct. I would lower the box and plant in those holes. Love the setting. A beautiful evocative scene. Do you paint?
20 Mar, 2010
Hello Lyndella, firstly what a beautiful photo, it looks like an oil painting. It's difficult to tell how high it is but I think that if I was a Dove I'd be worried about cats having easy access to the nest. The holes are too big for Sparrows and most other birds like a detached residence. It's a beautiful box, have you a high wall to put it against.
20 Mar, 2010
great minds think alike heron
20 Mar, 2010
Hi Lyndella what a beautiful photo, it looks so peaceful.Have you thought about getting a bluetit box ? I get tits in mine every year and it is set on a pole at the end of my garden path with no protection around it at all. Get in touch with the RSPB via their website you will find them very helpful.
20 Mar, 2010
After an other look are you sure it isn't a dove cote ?
20 Mar, 2010
I'm sure its a dovecot, but what a beautiful setting! I'm very envious of you moving to Cornwall; I love the place and visit as often as I can.
21 Mar, 2010
it does look like a dove cot, the ones i have seen are usually quite high up on the roofs of buildings. i will post a photo of the dovecot at Nymans in sussex. its usually always occupied
21 Mar, 2010
I'm not antibird but doves and pigeons I can do without. Five pairs plus their off spring could make a real mess of you garden.
21 Mar, 2010
oh thankyou for the picture you can only see half of it,it curls around the going to cover it abit more with ivy or something..its soo photogenic isnt it...ive seen a lovely white one disguarded down the field...might get that today...scotsgran,yes i do paint..i love cornwall very inspiring,loads to photo and paint.ive just gone and asked my landlady,she says its a dove cott too noseypotter
21 Mar, 2010
i thaught so i have pidgeons that love to breed in my overgrown ivy lyndella and once there in them you cant see them.the thing is back in the day they used dove cotts for tame white doves that didnt mind being out in the open.i think it looks as other people have said lovley anyway .what are the 2 planks of 2" x 4" going up to it ? are they for support or access .i build bird boxes but make the outside look interesting out of clay incase i dont get birds in them.theres some on my blogs i believe.take care bye for now .
21 Mar, 2010
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hello lyndella i hope your well . theres a lot of things to consider with bird boxes.a lot of birds like to breed just on there own infact most of our british birds do.theres a lot of birds like crows etc that have open nests.then theres the fact that most birds only use boxes with holes just big enough for them to squeeze through.this is so they can fill the hole to protect there babies and it stops the chance of bigger predetors getting in.sparrows breed in a comunity but the holes look to big for them.its worth getting in touch with the rspca on this one and get the actual measurements internaly and the size of the looks to me like a dove box ie quite big .i wouldnt say its the hight especialy that puts the birds of it mite need a climber growing over the top so its hidden as birds are at there most vulnerable whils there sitting especialy there babies.i would myself ask a professional.i hope ive helped nice to meet you take care,bye for now and good luck.
20 Mar, 2010