By Spottedray1
United Kingdom
Which species of birds have visited your garden today?
Here is my list:-
Wood pigeon
House Sparrow
Feral pigeon
Collared dove
Blue tit
9 Nov, 2012
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Pretty much the same, except I haven't seen a black bird for goodness knows how long - no pigeons but plenty of collared doves.
9 Nov, 2012
No feral pigeons but you can add great tits and goldfinches, oh and I think ours are rooks, not jackdaw
9 Nov, 2012
Great spotted woodpecker
9 Nov, 2012
I haven't seen him yet this autumn Anchorman,
I must say the sparrows are doing well at the moment and have learnt from the tits how to hang on the fat block feeder
9 Nov, 2012
blue tit, great tit, chaffinches [m+f] blackbird [m+f] robin, magpie,sparrowhawk, dunnock, house sparrow, greater spotted woodpecker [m] gold finches, collared dove, pigeon, rook, song thrush, wren and fieldfare.
and 4 blinking squirrels. well they were on the nut feeders :o)
9 Nov, 2012
Much the same as Spottedray ,along with great tits, coaltit ,gold finches,wren,chaffinches who seemed to be on the feeder's more today than on the ground feeder rained off & on most of the day .
9 Nov, 2012
I live in the country on the edge of open fields and my garden was specifically designed to encourage wild life.
Here are some videos/photos taken on birds on my lawn
a green woodpecker
a sparrow hawk
and a jackdaw
9 Nov, 2012
Same as you except no jackdaw but in addition a pair of jays come for the nuts throughout the day.
9 Nov, 2012
Some great birds listed. Great video of sparrowhawk. One landed on my deck with a mouse held in its claw.
Only a green version of the woodpecker in my garden.
9 Nov, 2012
I don't see starlings these days, although I used to up until a few years ago. I see plenty of dunnocks and I get flocks of coal tits, great tits and long-tailed tits as well as blue tits. They "steam" the old plum tree. I occasionally see jays, but not today. I hear green woodpeckers more often than I see them. I did once have a peacock on the lawn, but that was an escapee from the local park! A pair of pheasants lives over the wall on the school site, and they sometimes visit in the winter. There are lots of magpies at the back as well, and wrens nest in the garden - amazingly vociferous, especially considering their size! In the last two years, crows have moved into the trees over the wall - an unmistakeable sound!
9 Nov, 2012
I occasionally see a Kingfisher over flying my garden. It fishes in a nearby large fenland drain .
There's also a barn owl living in a tree 100 metres away
10 Nov, 2012
Seaburn the fieldfares have reached down to you then!
We usually get them later on as the cold comes down the country they seem to keep ahead of it
10 Nov, 2012
Cranes a week or two ago... though they can't be said to be "in" my garden, they fly over in Autumn and Spring, a very spooky sound to hear, especially as it's often at dusk...
Sparrows and lots of tits (the latter like to occupy holes in the old stone walls), green woodpecker, a bird of prey that I believe is a buzzard, robins, jays - fortunately not too many pigeons for the sake of my brassicas! - the occasional pair of magpies (French-speaking ones, I feel sure!)... Owls are heard but not usually seen... They hunt round about dawn, it seems...
10 Nov, 2012
Do the cranes make a noise like swans as they fly over
,with the swans noise I'm not sure if its their wings or vocals to keep in touch
10 Nov, 2012
i look onto a wasteland of trees,shrubs and scrub grass. unfortunately i do not see the amount of birds i thought i would, but the other day a sparrowhawk landed in the garden with a collared dove in its claws. i have never seen a sparrowhawk that close up before, a truly beautiful bird. muddy
10 Nov, 2012
I am rather envious of people who get those ringed necked parakeets though I understand they are not to everyones taste for environmental reasons.
Do you get any of those in your garden? To the best of my knowledge they haven't spread to Wales yet. But still hoping!
10 Nov, 2012
Did Bamboo mention them once in London?
10 Nov, 2012
Hello Pamg-I don't know. But they certainly are in London, Richmond being at least area.
10 Nov, 2012
Being close to marshes, we do get great skeins of geese flying inland in the morning and home again in the evening - magic!
10 Nov, 2012
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I get all of those in this garden too, (except the pigeons and doves) ...but today I have only seen one blue tit. It's pouring down and I think they're sheltering from the rain :o)
9 Nov, 2012